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We seem to be back in the brothel one way or another

It's a fair point that his parents died whilst he was young, so he was either put in an orphanage/workhouse or lived on the streets. Maybe Abberline took him in - or Abberline's wife possibly?

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That's what I was thinking domino! That he was either still homeless or still broke. It seemed too real to be part of his undercover. 


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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I'm starting to become convinced that the 'liar' confession is connected with his identity too....but there is also the thing about his lack of innocence - which, to me, sounds like more than just an assumed identity - so I think maybe he must be running away from/hiding from something.  Must admit that I'm not really feeling any connection with Abberline, other that Flight's eagerness to please....

It is odd that he is sooo well dressed, and obviously well educated when he lost both his parents when he was young (emphasised when the point was made to Evelyn that the IRB looked after her when she, essentially, lost both of her parents) - it does suggest that he had a well to do guardian.  Although he really did give a very convincing portayal of somebody famished when he was eating that sandwich.....

Albert Flight, as has been mentioned before, isn't a very Irish name either......I wonder if he really is Bertrand Doyle, after all!!!


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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It would be a great interesting twist if He was really Bertram. 


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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Adoption is beginning to look quite likely isn't it? That would explain an Irishman having what feels like an English name (I think I mentioned previously that it surprised me that any Irish person would name their son after Prince Albert)

I still think there's a connection to someone high up in the Police. If he did indeed come from Bloomsbury, then that would be a plum role - I can see everyone trying to transfer to a posh district such as that - so you'd probably have to know someone with influence to get it!

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This is all very interesting and something I hadn't even thought about. Bad fan!


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maybe its really reid. :P


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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Wow, so many good theories!  Can't wait to find out what's really going on!  


Three people can't have dinner together!  That's barbaric!

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I noticed the way he ate the bread and butter, maybe he did spend time in the Workhouse because he ate that food as if it was to be his last, or if he didn't eat it quick enough it would be taken away from him and i'd think that'd be a learned behaviour, or he lived in poverty as a child/youth. I could be on board with the idea of Flight being taken in by Abberline, or Mrs Abberline through charitable works (if there is indeed a Mrs Abberline) I could imagine him not telling anyone about that in fear of any nepotism accusations but i'm still scratching my head at what he could be holding so secret that he would confess to a priest that he's a liar. Lying about what...i'm hoping tonight's episode will unravel more of the mystery that is Flight.


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Glofigs24 wrote:

It would be a great interesting twist if He was really Bertram. 

 Wow!!! What if he was Bertrand Doyle and Albert Flight is the assumed name? Given that's a more Irish name than Flight, that would be extremely interesting! But again, i wonder why he'd hide that? (if it was because it's Irish, then why not hide the accent too?)


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"...Super Duper..." 

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I had to remind myself of this today, so just adding it here to the discussion...let's re-visit  Detective 'Sergeant' Albert Flight's character profile (yes, it still says sergeant on the official BBC website and the press release):

Flight is to prove himself not only worthy of Reid’s respect; but also unworthy of the kind of innocence that drew such affection to Hobbs. For Flight is a man of secrets. Secrets at which the men of H Division could never even guess.


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It's the "prove himself....worthy of Reid's respect" bit that makes me think that he must be a 'good guy' and that he still has some significant part to play in future events.....which could, indeed, lead to promotion......

And also that whatever his secret is, it's something of a more personal nature....


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agree fifi, the 'not only' bit adds to the weight of that proving himself too... as if he proves himself in a big way not in a dribs and drabs kind of a way....perhaps earning more respect, not only through his tasks at H-Division but the things he has done, or been through, or....

"unworthy of the kind of innocence..." is a very intriguing sentence indeed... unworthy as in not deserving an he has done something dark, bad? which would seem to contradict the first part about respect...or just that he proves himself to be far more worldly and less naive?

Either way, the above hasn't happened yet, which makes the prospect of the final 3 episodes a very exciting one indeed. actionactionaction


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He definitely alluded to something big in his tweet from the other day. I think the last two episodes which certainly put Jackson into a quandary may involve Flight being the hero one way or another, but revealing his secret at the same time!

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the last two eps will also be MEGA for Drake! I'll wager Flight's secret does not come out in episode 6-- but we may get more clues?


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Thinking back on Flight's possible secrets....

1. Perhaps he has given the impression somehow that he comes from a stable loving homelife, perhaps even a little well to do (Reid making the comment about Bloomsbury comes to mind) when in truth his beginnings are the absolute opposite and perhaps he was ashamed and lied about it.

2. Have Rose and Flight shared a scene together as of yet (am too tired to think, i'm trying to remember whether he was in the same room as Rose and Bella when they were trying to identify the client in the phossy jaw ep) because maybe his secret is connected to her in some way (didn't Charlene tweet something to him about him chasing her or something when he commented about a film he'd seen?)


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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I agree with your first point Ruby. Given that he told Evelyn he was telling the truth about his parents a poor, lowly beginning seems likely.

I don't see how Flight & Rose would be connected.
I think Charlene's tweet was more about her wanting to see the film Frances Ha too & why hadn't he told her he was going as she'd have gone with.


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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I wonder if he was more honest about himself when he spoke to Evelyn than he intended. He lied with his own hidden truth, as advised, and connected with her more strongly than expected because of it. At the same time, when he offered to wait with her for the boat he was probably waiting for the chance to arrest her father, because that was part of his job. He chose the job over her, and she recognized that and called him on it. So the question is, to what extent did he use his honesty to lie to her and get what he needed from her? He's a deep one, a complex one.


He'd have told me to join him, and I would. - still true!

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I agree with most of what's been speculated here about his secrets being that of a possible deception of his true identity.  I don't see a connection to Abberline though, nor to Rose.  I think we would have seen something if she had crossed paths with him.  He was not in the scene when Bella and Rose were identifying that man.  He met Bella and while there was certainly a cute, awkward exchange - call me Bella, you can call her Mrs. Drake - I don't think that will amount to anything either. (because that would break my heart)


Hints in interviews, synopses, articles, and even in show itself have Drake possibly questioning his job, being the bloody henchman all the time, and I wonder if that's part of "by the end, nothing will be the same".  I wonder if Drake is going to step away (at least temporarily).  Damien said in an interview that Flight isn't very good at his job at first, but by the end he's the one knocking down doors in Drake's place and the Ep 7 synopsis has Flight accompanying Reid.


I too wonder if Flight really is Bertrand.  He felt so natural when under cover, and as everyone points out "lied with his own hidden truth", certainly about his parents, but I wonder how much more.

As for Evelyn calling him out on his lies, she didn't right out leave him.  She wanted an explanation, certainly, but he is the one that pushed her away, telling her to go, giving her the suitcase.  I wonder if she what she would have made of his explanation had she found out the whole truth.  He did choose the job over her and I wonder why.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
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A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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I would love it if Flight was really Bertrand Doyle. Albert FLight is an epic name, but Bertrand is very poetic.. and can I just say 'Doyle' - I wonder if Damo had any say in his undercover name, and was reading the script for the Commitments or something... (Originally written by Roddy Doyle).

I also wondered about a Flight/ Rose connection after that tweet, but I was thinking that they would connect in the context of the story for the first time. maybe he helps her....


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OK...lying with his own hidden truths.....

His dad really was as acoholic...who beat his mum until he eventually killed her.  Flight (or Doyle) then murdered him...... ran away to sea....fell in with the IRB....and ended up in Whitechapel.  lol!!


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I think tonight's ep is a definitely big one for Drake whimsy and agree, there may be a little Drake time out in store, when Flight steps up. (refresh my memory where Damien said he was kicking down doors on Drake place?)

Lol fifi must he always run away to sea?!


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I'm sure he said something akin to that in his 'Leman Times' interview after his first episode, that does sound familiar even to usually oblivious old me.

So if Flight actually is Bertrand Doyle, i wonder what his secret could be... I am utterly intrigued as it could literally be anything (in truth, we'll find out and go 'is that it??' LOL)


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You are right Ruby, it's in that Leman Times interview.  "I do have some action sequences towards the end of the series.  Flight's shame is that he is not particularly brave, and even though he has taken down a lot of people, it's been in more of an administrative way so he's not really there kicking down doors.  He's maybe not as heroic as he thought he was!  But as the series goes on, rather than Drake kicking in the door it's Flight who's first up there with the ram, locking down the area. It's great."


And as we saw in Ep 6, he actually was kicking a door with Drake!kicking door.jpg


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Also freshened up on a few of the interviews.  

Mathew Macfadyen: Reid doesn't warm to him because of losing Hobbs.  I'm extra horrible to him.  I don't praise him or get involved because I don't want the upset of losing him.

That explains the abruptness in Ep 5 when Reid sends Flight to fetch a cab, but I think they aren't really showing this well, the motivation for the treatment.  I'm hoping when Flight does earn his trust Reid at least says something to explain to the audience why he's been treating him like that.  It's not that he doesn't think him competent.

From Damien's interview (link in previous post):

Although he is taken aback by how well respected Inspector Reid is, Flight thinks he can do a better job in a few years' time.  So there's a lovely rivalry there at the start... he has to earn the loyalty of Reid and co.

Flight is so ambitious and so driven that he's constantly saying, "Let me do this!" and Reid is saying, "Fill in the paperwork!"  He finds it very frustrating.

Flight is introduced in a seamless way and stories of his past are filtered in through out the series.


So... I think just re-evaluating the hints we've had, his secret definitely seems to be about his past - not that he has some ulterior motive such as being in league with Shine, or some type of internal affairs.  At least that's how I'm interpreting it.  But of course they aren't going to give many hints in those interviews.


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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