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Topic: Who has seen TRAVELLING LIGHT?!

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Hi Guys!

Thank you domino for your kind comments! Damien seemed to really enjoy his t-shirt from laura and they had a good chat! I was a bit pathetic around damien but he is just so lovely and he managed to get a little conversation out of me!! haha!

He asked me where i had come from and i said near barry....he said he'd be moving there for filming mid july and was looking forward to seeing some on the bloggers when filming begins!

Travelling light is absolutly brilliant. I had never been to the theatre before and was unsure how i would find it but it was just brilliant and so funny!

Damien was rather hot in it last night (as in sweaty) lol but he said he was absolutly exhausted as the day had been hot also...

Damien signed my programme saying "hi su, thanks for the tweets! its great to finally meet you". He recognised my twitter name and mentioned i had been tweeting him a lot recently *blushes*

Thanks again for everyone who met me yesterday! it was an absolutely brilliant day and one that i will never forget :D



Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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Hi Su! You did well just to remain upright..and breathing! the tingle, tremble and thud factor must have been ramped up to the max!!!! Gosh what a gent, sounds like he was brilliant at putting you at ease, really lovely that he reads his tweets from fans too!

Even more imprssed that he took the time if he was really tired, the Travelling Light run is hearing it's end now and it must have been hard work...a well deserved break is in order before BH 5 filming begins.

So excellent that you live near Barry!!

thank you, i so wish i could have been there to give Damen the t shirt myself, but hearing that it made him smile totally rocks! grinnin from ear to ear over here


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Again i'm living vicariously through the tweets and the stories here. It was almost eight weeks ago that i went but it feels like much longer now. Would love a chance to see it one more time but it's not happening. I hope he appears in another production after Being Human filming wraps or failing that, has another television or film project in the pipeline. If he appears in another play, i think i'll be going along to check it out.

Domino, utterly thrilled about the t-shirts for you, how amazing is that? I wish now that i'd had the foresight to bring him a gift, though if i had, he'd probably gone away with a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale! like marmite, you either love it or you hate it. It's an aquired taste. 

Loving these stories and anecdotes and he reads our tweets!!! I must admit i chuckled a lot at that because it does get chaotic on twitter, especially when he tweets and runs. I'm surprised he hasn't turned tail and ran on seeing us after some of the goings-ons i've read and been witness to!  biggrin


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Living vicariously through tales of last night right with you Ruby.
Even though I've been twice, reading stories of how charming he his & knowing how good the play is does make me want to see it again - must resist!

It is a little scary knowing he reads our tweets, I did apologise for most of mine but he just laughed :)


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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Im currently trying to will myself to London to see it!!! Maybe if i wish enough it will happen!!! It sounds like you guys had so much fun! I love reading all the stories, they never fail to make me smile. :)


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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Logistically if i could've done it, i would've seen the play again in London but unfortunately not, hence my vicarious living through tweets and these posts. If he tours in a production again then i shall be there, i may even attempt a London trip if not, i've done it for Andrew Gower, i'm sure i could do it for Damien biggrin


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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Only 2 more chances to see Travelling Light, the matinee and evening performances tomorrow!

Are there any Damien fans out there going tomorrow?


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so sad that travelling light has finished :( absolutely brilliant play and im so happy i got to see it!

@doesitsay said hi to damien for me yesterday and he remembered who i am!! yay!!

love him lol



Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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Yes, it is kind of momentous, Damien has been doing Travelling Light for 7 months now! That is a whole lot of shows and hard work and now a well deserved break for him before Being Human filming begins in July. It must be weird for the whole cast to say goodbyte tho their characters...and each other. Really happy for all the fans who got to see the play and to meet Damien.


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It's sad that the show is over but he Definently deserves a break! It's also sad that this thread will b dying down :(. I wish I could have seen it


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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I don't know you all but can I just say how much I enjoyed reading about your trips to meet Damien and admit I am sooooo jealous!! :D I really need to work on my OH so he lets me go next time, or maybe it will be nearer to home.
Domino, its very cool he knows about the forum and says he appreciates all you do!!! He must of taken a peek here!!! biggrin:


My name is Ciara and I've been on the Kia-Ora!!!! :D

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My internet friend "Tabitha" Saw Trabelling light...and She got Damo to hold up a sign with my name on it ... >:) proud owner of the name "Kayla" ... Xx


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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Indeed Kayla! in case you missed it, we have those pictures (and more who met Damien on the same day) here


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I decided to go all fangirly about Damien just in time to catch the very last performance of Traveling Light. In addition to seeing Damien, it got me back into the habit of going to the theatre. Can't believe I stopped just because I didn't have any money. Tch!

Fingers crossed for DVD releases of all the NT Live productions. I saw the encore presentation of Frankenstein and that was well worth it. Filmed productions of live shows have their own ambience.

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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You have given me fresh hope for the possibility of a dvd UJ, "Filmed productions of live shows have their own ambience" - this!

We have a separate topic and poll on a Travelling Light DVD in case you missed it : http://damienmolony.activeboard.com/t49198836/poll-are-you-interested-in-travelling-light-on-dvd/


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I did miss it! I've done my civic duty and voted.

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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Visited National Theatre Archive last Sunday to see this play and it was so good! 

I got every material available for me there, hand script and everything. Even the emails and notes. And I got to see the play itself of course and I loved that I could play it like a DVD and watch few scenes few times. 

Told Damien about this when I saw him on Stage door, he didn't know NT had a archive and he wanted to go to see TL too! Hah I told he should it was greatbiggrin

Play itself was exciting and and production design was amazing. I enjoyed the mood and music in this play and all the elements too, like the old camera. Finally understand those clips I have saw about this play. And it was really entertaining and funny. 

Damien performance reminded me lots about Hal. Motl and Hal reminded each other many ways, they both felt like misplaced characters who were trying to find their places, their love life was complicated, they had passions they couldn't implement.

There was one scene where Motl is furious about the plays Jacob wants him to make where he do this "bohoo" impression and changed it very fast laugh, I laughed out loud and felt little bit embarrassed cause I wasn't alone at the archive but this was one of the scenes I had to watch again.

I actually felt so moved in one point there were tears in my eyes, I laughed and chuckled a lot and went serious too. I really liked that I could go trough almost every feeling while watching this play. Story itself was amazing and the ending was heartwarming and same time little bit sad. But I felt so good after leaving archive and I seriously recommended this play if you haven't seen it and have change to go to watch it.

Filming in the archive is not allowed so I couldn't take any pics from the material I had but it was very interesting and it took me almost 3 hours to visit there even the play wasn't that long cause I was reading all the stuff they gave me. Got little insight how was it to make play like this. Every little detail was counted and there was question and ask clip in the end.

Thank you Whimsy telling me about this archive, I wouldn't have otherwise have been aware of it!smile


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Oh so fabulous Jozie!  You'll have to tell me the actual process so I can go see it next time I'm in London! biggrin

So, those gifs I made, where he's yelling at the window... what's he saying then???


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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They were muted also in the play but that was the moment when Motl tells the difficulties he had at the filming project and disagreement with Jacob, but when the scene continues he says: "I said stop the filming" :D


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Me, as a risk and day tickets available, and sat second row, centre stage and absolutely loved it.... First time saw Damien acting and was hooked then...


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

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And I don't wonder why Kallie, Damien was absolutely amazing! biggrin Theatre experience is always better and more intense, I have thank Whimsy for tipping me about the archive, I was so lucky to see this play (from the computer but anyway) and I loved it!


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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I remember at the time actually going for tickets for the play in the Olivier which had sold out and everyone raving was about it, but saw that play another time and much perferred Traveling Light... Being able to see plays on Archive is great though. ?.


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

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It is! It was same thing than watching a movie and you can get all material too, emails/script/handbill, pretty much anything too and you can examine them as long as you like. I watched the play from the computer, sometimes I paused it and replayed some scene (had to watch few funny scenes twice :D) and on the half time, (which I could have skipped, it was a dvd) I read emails and stuff, for example there was email about the scissors, that they needed bigger ones and there was some important reason for little thing like that... It was great and it was free and the archive was right next to old vic's theare so it was easy to find.


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Is it a place or a website?


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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It is a place. Right next to Old Vic's theatre, quite close to NT. You have book a time for your archive visit, it's free, but you have to do it at least 2 weeks beforehand you want to go. Told Damien about this when I saw him on stage door, he didn't know such a place existed and he wanted to see Travelling Light too! I told him he should, it was pretty goodwink Then I gave him instruction how to book time and visit there. First you need to go here: http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/discover-more/archive/contact-the-archive

Then fill up the Archive email contact form.

I just clicked general interest, put 'Travelling Light" in both of the boxes (subject  to your research and which production you're interested in).

Then I clicked all the other boxes, that I want to see every every material they have.

Then I clicked that I can come visit in person.. And the last click was "from friends" (where did you hear about archive) cause Whimsy told me that there's this place.

You can go NT info desk before you go to the archive and ask directions, it's 15min walk, same road where Old Vic's is, on the glass near front door facing the road is saying National Theatre or something like that. There's a doorbell, the door is always locked so you have to buzz yourself in, after that they will guide you. 

It was great! And you get personal assistant who will email you about anything. Of course I could have asked instructions how the get to the archive but I went and asked at the NT info desksmile

-- Edited by JozieMozie on Saturday 9th of May 2015 06:27:42 PM


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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