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We saw on twitter becca! as well as you all being extras for the next series! coolbounce Thought I would wait until you all came back to tell us about it rather than post on the forum on your behalf But I hadn't noticed the bit about you nearly getting knocked over, blimey! I thought you were in Su's car with her for some reason, it is pretty cool that you saw Damien in the car, but jumping in it's path ?! may be taking your fandom a bit too far and besides we want you all in one piece to come and tell us about it after!! I haev been enjoying all your posts on twitter, looking to hearing all a but your trip with pics when you return, hope you are having a blast !!


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more from the cool ****tails and trendy bar and restaurant food show with Damien Molony! with pics!





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oh my days......the profanity filter edited out co cktails!!?


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I'm a bit slow with this one - at work.

Truly sad news in the movie world this morning & I echo his sentiment;

The original action hero #riptonyscott


"You know you remind me of a conquest back in Madrid 1784. I wooed her with a thousand tulips."

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Hey Su, great to see you! :)

the thing about tagging Damien in a convo i feel the same about to be honest - he still sees those in his timeline, and perhaps that is just red herring / excuse to legitimize tweeting him again? it is just the same as tweeting him. I have done it, but after about the 2 nd time it gets circulated in the long convo i edit him out of the tweet.just feels right to do that.

I tell you what, it is not easy being a fan on twitter, or having a fan page there, i have also considered only having the forum and fansite not a twitter page for this place. as i said in my first post the ease of it and the illusion of familiarity and connection can catch you out sometimes even if you are a discerning and conscientious fan, with a few years of experience of fandoms under the belt ...so it must be even harder for younger fans (no offense younger fans!) to have all that available, i know when i was a teen my idols meant the world to me! and having access to them in that way is too much of temptation to resist.

And i did not mean to dismiss that Kayla by not responding to you saying that Damien was your idol, i missed your long post a few posts ago. I also admire you for saying that you think you have an addiction to the net, I know from first hand experience with my best friend's daughter how hard that can be. And it is not something that is recognised, in this country at least (in Japan the have rehab for it) so getting help is very difficult :/

So now i don't want to delete this topic because this conversation is very important and helpful, but we can always change the title of the topic and move it if we do decide to get rid of the blue shirt alert from the forum.


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Yeah i feel like iv messed up a lot :'( I put "Lol" As a reply to that tweet by mistake when he posted. And now i cant find my tweet to delete it! I just had it. I was like "So sorry! I never ment to put "Lol" I'm not that evil" .. ugh i messed up :sad:


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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yes very sad and tragic news, a legend in the action movie world. RIP Tony Scott.


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Ok I need to say something that I need to clarify and may not go down too well.

I am thinking of removing this topic from the forum, and I am beginning o feel slightly uncomfortable about it as part of a wider issue.

I did not start this topic so that every time Damien tweets everyone has to reply, or to encourage people to be always tweeting at him. And to be honest it does feel a bit odd that we would all swarm to read his every word, I include myself in that by the way.....like the rest of us he probably has his friends / loved ones /colleagues on his twitter and sometimes maybe he just want to be a bloke tweeting stuff, without us fans kind of devouring his every word. That is not to say that Damien is not aware that fans read his tweet, or that he is not aware of his increasing popularity and I am sure loves hearing from his fans, sometimes, and tweets with info i am sure for us to enjoy and he in turn probably enjoys our replies.

BUT this is very giving of him in fact, it is always a treat to read what he chooses to share and it deserves our respect. we are extremely lucky that Damien shares the way he does, and have a reponsibility, I believe, to not ever abuse that luxury. i would hate to think that he became overwhelmed with responses or random tweets from fans, especially ones that want something in return from him or excessive constant tweeting. Twitter itself is partly to blame, it is a platform which gives an almost false reality of connection with anyone we choose to follow and makes it easy to directly communicate with them. But I believe we have to be aware of all the above and be discerning in what we say, and how often we say it!
I also feel that if you would not say it to his face, don't tweet it. be aware of the false reality twitter gives you and how you would actually feel saying that to Damien's face.

The bigger picture - When I began this forum I wrote a rather stern looking set of guidelines because I believe very very strongly in non invasion of privacy by fans of the actor etc they admire. From my perspective, Damien already gives enough in his work, that is why we are fans and we give back simply by being fans. I don't have any expectation he should a) meet me. b) respond to me by tweet /letter or any other . He does not know me he does not owe me - I believe we have no right to have any expectation from him and we have a responsibility to not abuse the luxury of being allowed to admire another human being (that we do not even know) perhaps a little too obsessively. we have to protect him from that, not push it in his face at every available opportunity.

So for that reason i am considering removing this topic. because i do to want there to remotely be a possibility of contributing to any of the above. now or in the future.

I am sorry if i cause upset with these words, it has been brewing up inside me and i need to say it, and be congruent with my vision of what a fandom should be.

Would welcome discussion on any of the above......

Domino x


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Damien Molony Army
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I didn't read all of that Domino i wont lie. I hate reading. But i read enough. I'm rather sorry. I do try my best to follow the rules of this forum! But hence my knowing by the police and other whise being excluded from school more then once. I was never one to follow Rules no matter what. I DONT actually lets say "Stalk" His profile. Or infact even look at it that much :\ .. when he tweets it almost always comes up on my time line. Or i get messages on facebook or i see on my time line #BlueShirtAlert ....... I cant even remember how envolved i am in this topic .. but any way. Sorry Domino ...



Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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I expect nothing from him! Sorry just reed the last bit! ... iv sent him fan mail. I know he's got it because he has notified me by twitter. But iv never once asked for a letter back Because i get enough by just the shear frill of sending him a letter! i dont beg for tweets or any thing. Once or twice i might of asked for a follow back because of the fan page i am. But i would never spam him for it. I have had my hissy fits about not meeting him but i'm over that now.


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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I may be wrong Kayla and must stress this is only my opinion, maybe Damien loves being tweeted countless times a day! I am worried that he may eventually back off from twitter or end up having his people run his page. I do feel only stuff you'd say to his face needs to be said and be aware of the quantity of tweets may also be a good idea. You are a great fan and he knows that, and i know it is hard to resist the urge because twitter is so easy to use and gives that false sense of connection, but you may want to balance it a bit hun. As a fandom we have to respect his space and privacy .


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Damien Molony Army
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before i knew most of the fans i know today. I honestly tweeted about 500 times a day! and honestly? about 400 of thows to Damien. but then i calmed down! Now i really only tweet him if it's a general "Hope your okay. Sending fan love" Type of tweet but then i go around and i send that to every one envolving friends , fans , other actors , directors so on so on. Some times i can be a bit*h with my tweets and spam him like no tomorrow. But normally when i'm hyper , drunk , upset or angry i do that. And i must addmit my little hissy fit about not meeting him was the first time iv been upset in a while. Not including breaking up with my boyfriend afew days ago. Id hate for him to back off twitter! It feels like the only contact i have with him along side BH ... Trust me. Every thing i tweet him i would say to his face :\ ... apart from afew things i tweeted when i was drunk on my birthday afew months ago. I got told in the morning by friends that i said some pretty sexual stuff. But i coudent find the tweets. But this was like 3-4 months ago X


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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bloody hell..400? that is mind boggling Kayla....what you tweet on your timeline is entirely up to you! noone can question it! but when you include damo in a tweet it is involving someone else, with their own thoughts feelings, stuff, and as fans we are not his mate, we need to just respect him and that is all..i know this is hard to hear, dn i don't want to upset you or anyone, but familiarity is an illusion... why should we have any contact with him at all? if he was not on twitter we wouldn't have? he is an actor who creates art, which we enjoy and appreciate and in our fandoms we can rant on about it between ourselves as much as we like! that is why i created this place so we could enjoy our crazy fan stuff to each other !!! yes the occasional tweet of appreciation or just having fun is a good thing but there is a need to keep grounded and not go over a line.

maybe it is an interesting question....what does everyone think how many tweets a day would be a respectful amount? I guess different for us all, me personally it depends on what is going on news wise for Damien, but i often feel if there are more than 2 of my tweets @ him it is too much!

Again this is only my opinion! I am not some kind of fascist dictator that everyone has to obey, I am just giving voice to something that is rising up within me right now, usually i swallow it but maybe it is the current planetary alignment or something but i need to blurt this stuff out. Change my mind. speak up fellow Damiacs, what do you all think?


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I wish i was more like you Domino. But yeah i used to tweet him about 400 times a day! ... and with my internet addiction. I'm on every day. Now i tweet him about 10 times a day. Trust me it was a hard cut down. But what made me cut down because i was being cyber bullied for it :\ .. other wise my stupid brain would keep telling me to tweet him .I personally think my 10 tweets are to much a day. But i cant help it. I seriously have an Addiction with this man. My mum can clearly see it too. And i mean thearapy addiction. but i refuse to go back to thearapy it didn;t help my self harm problem when i had one! It was useless. The sheer fact of leaving Damien's fanbase is what stops my suicide attempts! The sheer fact of making my mum cry every time i used to cut myself was what made me stop self harm. I admit i tweet a lot! i do many things i shoudent A LOT!

no Domino i'm 100% greatfull for you spitting this all out! Your saying some things i wish i could say but i'm one of thows people who just dosent want to give people a reason to nag at me. Not saying any one will! But i have my internet haters.

Every day i have thoughts of deleting my twitter to keep myself from irratating or scaring Damien. Along with my facebook page and youtube channel. I have a seriouse addiction to this wounder full person and i'm keeping it all to myself. Honestly if some times it apears i'm abit creepy towards him? Thats nothing compared to what i really want to tweet! .... or say ... or do!

I fully understand he is a man of art following his dream! He has friends , family and i'm sure a lover! and 100% a great job. But if your some one like me. You also see him as a Hero! and idol and a great rolemodel and insperation. I dont expect to be his "Mate" Okay that would be pretty damn awesome! BUT I'm just a kid. ANd i understand i CANT be and it wont ever happen! I'm sooooo very great full for his Twitter page! He dosent need to have one! He dosent need to tweet! But he does. And it makes his fans happy. But if he leaves twitter? I will still be there on my fan page. Because i see it as my duty to SUPPORT him and his work. And nothing else.


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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I think you'd be right in removing this topic Domino. I agree that it does feel alittle bit intrusive. There are people that i have seen get scary close to that line of stalking and obsession. This was a topic that i knew we would have to tread carefully with.

Please don't think wrongly of me for saying this! i only had this forum and its members' best interest in mind when i said this!


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

Damien Molony Army
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*Bows* i praise you Sami! .. i agree ... and i can addmit iv been one of thows to close to creepy stalky obsession


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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thanks love :)


It's a really nice look you've got going on there :wink:

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I agree with all that you're saying Domino, but I don't see why that should be a reason to remove this topic? It's useful to keep track of when Damien tweets, especially for members who don't have twitter... It's just a place to read his tweets, just like his twitter page itself, and it's not stalking/creepy fangirling to just read his tweets right? Only excessive replying to his tweets would be..


"And Tom is feeding me lots of banana, which Damien hates and Hal also hates"

Damien Molony Army
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I have reasons to like what Domino is saying. And reasons to like what @areyousomehowdrunk is saying ..... but maybe deleting the topic would be a good thing? I dunno ... if you delete the topic maybe i could just come on and post in the chat box down below that he has tweeted when he has.... I would like to take priority for any thing help full aka id love to help :p


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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thanks Sami and Lau for jumping in.

Lau thank you, I agree that there is nothing wrong with this topic in it's principle. BUT my point is that this topic could appear to encourage the obsessive stalkerish behaviour on twitter you refer to, to those who do not have the same understanding or opinion appropriate fandom. I know where I stand and but it is wrong to assume that all fans are singing from the same hymn sheet.

Sami, thank you for your words appreciate very much you being honest,.

let's keep the discussion going.

Any one want to share what they personally think is appropriate tweeting to Damien? and how often?


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Damien Molony Army
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This is really helping me O_O I honestly think i should seriously just tweet him when he tweets. And only one tweet! .... maybe thats for the best. I mean theys days i said i tweet him about 10 times. Back before i knew other fans it was like 400 a day ... maybe 2 tweets a day .... Or maybe none at all


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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it is definitely worth taking a step back at times and looking at what we do I think/ glad it is helping Kayla. the last thing i want is to come across as some bossy cow, not my style and you have to do what is right for you...but i have hinted at this thing of @ damien in the past, tried to suggest using he # instead - which does not turn up in his personal timeline, only if he chooses to search.

It is a bigger issue i think in fandom in general, getting your head around this thing that his being on twitter at all and sharing stuff is really a treat in itself ya know? and we don't know him. he is a guy with his own life, and he is actually incredibly gracious and generous to fans, let's not abuse that, let him trust we won't go over the line. he will be around for many years to come.


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Damien Molony Army
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Oh yeah! Iv used # loads of times for him ... it helps but some times i like @ ing him because i know there is a small chance he might see it ...


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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but sweetheart, we don't have the right to @ him loads of times a day... because of all that i have said above


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