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Topic: Being Human - US version

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RE: Being Human - US version

Well i had planned on recording the episode and then watching it this morning but curiosity got the better of me and i watched it late last night.

Warning: If you haven't watched the episode yet, there may be spoilers below...continue at your own peril.

My immediate thoughts? It is interesting. My second thoughts...it doesn't have the charm and quirk that our Being Human has. Maybe that is down to ours being shot on a budget, or the actors, maybe both but it didn't have that...cosiness that i associate with ours. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing though. I don't want this to be a carbon copy of ours or otherwise, what's the point?

Now the characters. Josh is not as hysterically uptight as George but he has his moments (the floor cleaning made me smile for some reason), Sally is not as maternal (so far) as Annie but i did like her initially, she's funnier (dare i say it, so far) and as for Aidan. Well. I liked him and then i didn't. He doesn't have the instant charm that Mitchell had or that 'coolness' factor. Maybe I'll get to see it in later episodes but i didn't see it in the first one. It threw me that he has a reflection whereas our vampires don't. I also don't like the fact that he doesn't eat food whereas ours do (and Mitchell...a lot...) Of the three characters, his was the one i was the most curious about but at the end of that first episode the one that made the least impact on me in the episode. The wedding flashback, i hope we find out the reasoning behind that next week and if he's not feeding from 'live' victims then what was he doing towards the end of the episode back at that place with Bishop...he doesn't seem to have the same internal strength of mind that Mitchell had in those early s1 eps. And Bishop...whereas Herrick is menacing, Bishop is just creepy. So far. Bearing in mind i've only watched the first episode. The episode itself ended in a very interesting place.

So i think i will keep watching for now, mostly for the curiosity factor. It's hard not to compare, i defy anyone who has seen the original not to, it's virtually impossible. This is Being Human with a budget but so far it isn't a car crash that American interpretations of UK shows have a tendency to be.

I also got tweeted by both Sam Witwer and Sam Huntingdon last night (as did Su by Sam Witwer, quite hilariously as it turned out) regarding the show. I wondered whether it would be possible to have Hal appear in the fourth season somehow and he thought it was a brilliant idea and then Sam H asked for UK opinions, and when i gave mine i got a "Sweet! Thanks." response. They both come across as rather nice guys.


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I'm sure they are nice Lisa, they can afford to be nice, they just had their show recommissioned and they want us to buy into the US version of the show. Sorry..it is very hard to be gracious when i am grieving. Well done for being so!

I agree with your summary, and for me the US show lacks the quintessential magic of Being Human....when I watched it it was as a separate show. but as you say, very hard not to compare the 2. love the idea of a Being Human Uk and US crossover (think I mooted that idea last year). But would far prefer them to be special guests in the uk show than the other way around!


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I understand, i must admit, when i read that the US version was recommissioned for a fourth series, i was really sad all over again that ours won't get a sixth.

Even though i haven't seen enough of the US version to comment properly, i would love to see Hal make an appearance in the US version, in flashback perhaps as the Old One that he is. He's 500+ years old and i'm lead to believe that Aidan is 200+ , it would certainly help raise Damien's profile stateside but i can but dream...


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Being Human series 5 airs as part of BBC America's Supernatural Saturday in June, so hopefully lots of US peeps who haven't discovered him already, will do so!


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Apparently BH S5 has been put back to July on BBCAmerica.

I'm still watching the US version. When it reworks the recognisable storylines from s1 UK, it really and absolutely jars. I've said this in several places but the difference between the UK and the US versions, when they are side by side storyline wise, is the quality of writing. Toby and his team of writers had a very real talent of saying the most powerful, profound things in the simplest of ways. The American version just doesn't have that. It doesn't have the same impact though it does try in places. That doesn't work for me. Now, when the storyline veers from the UK ones, then it gets interesting. This week had a storyline with a vampire priest and that wasn't explored in the UK version so this piqued my curiosity.

The three main characters still don't have that closeness that our three had, especially the original line up. We had Annie with her tea, her Owen obsession and George with his glasses and his hugs and Mitchell with the same hugs and how he cared about Annie and George. Maybe because Sally can't be touched by Aidan and Josh yet (i assume) and that will change, but it's a huge difference (though it was beginning to be addressed at the end of last night's episode)

But i'm still curious and still watching. It hasn't made me want to stop watching (yet)


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rubyrosettared wrote:

Apparently BH S5 has been put back to July on BBCAmerica.

indeed it has, and i've updated that topic accordingly



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It is a decent show in its own right but compared to BH UK it pales.  It's better once you can stop comparing them.  I was also sad when I heard BH US was renewed (though also glad) because it makes me miss BH UK again.


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I was talking to a friend at my painting class yesterday and she said that she cannot bring herself to watch BHUS. Although she might have done if it had been an original US series.


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I'm still watching it and still kind of...liking it... (don't kill me, i adore the UK version much much more obviously!) *ducks*

This week's episode was very interesting. I thought Sammy Huntingdon (Josh) put in a very powerful performance returning to his family home in two years and dealing with the fall out of why he left in the first place. He really is a very good actor once we get past the goofiness. I actually laughed out loud at the scene with Aidan and the garlic. It was genuinely very funny as well as interesting. Some excellent performances and the final five minutes were again, intriguing. I've said here and via Twitter that Being Human USA is definitely much better when following its own storyline. It jars when it mirrors the UK versions. Still not a fan of Bishop though and the sooner Danny gets his come uppance the better (wondering whether there'll be a 'where the wild things are' kind of speech in this version too)

So not a disaster, there is something about it that keeps me tuning in.


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I'm still watching it, but the vampires being able to see themselves in the mirrors and be able to film themselves on video really, really irritates me.


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It's trciky one that Laura, if tehy imitate it irritates if they diverge they irritate so they really cannot win!

I feel happier when it really diverges a couple of series in...then i can treat is as a separate drama and stop comparing the 2!

I enjoy the humour more in the later series Lisa, when they seem to come more into their own and it really has diverged from the original in some interesting ways


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I'm still watching...still liking it. They're all growing on me and the similarities aren't jarring so much. They're doing their interpretation of the Bernie storyline and i have to admit, i'm liking this version more than the UK one. The story hasn't concluded, it's over two episodes rather than the one so i may change my mind yet but i am liking it. I do like Josh a heck of a lot, at the moment he's the strongest member of the trio acting-wise. Aidan is also growing on me, i think when Sam W isn't all broody and pouty, he's actually more likeable. Mitchell didn't need to pout when he brooded, he had that easy charm and sexuality going for him, Aidan at the moment, doesn't but he's still kind of interesting, they all are in their own way.


~I'm not a man of God~

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thank you for continuing with your updates Lisa, I value your take on things and you are almost making me want to watch it again Agree with you about Sammy Huntingdon, for me the most watchable member of the cast. werewolf


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Well i have to admit, the American interpretation of the UK Bernie storyline was very interesting and i think better done than the UK one. It worked and flowed much easier (and plus i knew the American writers wouldn't touch the 'paedo' storyline with a barge pole) It was interesting, sad and ultimately tragic.

The George and Nina sex scene right before George's transformation ("oh you're so dead!") was examined here with Nora and Josh (and i have seen the actress who plays Nora somewhere before and it's bugging me where i've seen her before, she may just look like someone else)  and again didn't quite work in the way the UK version did (and obviously the UK version got away with a lot more, graphically) but i did like the story of Sally (nearly called her 'Annie' there, oops!) connecting with her college tutor type friend who drowned....like i keep saying, the show is definitely stronger following it's own storylines.

One thing i have to say that does jar with me and that's when Aidan has a 'crisis' and heads back to the funeral parlour and 'gets high' on blood? It's supposed to be mysterious and sexy and interesting? It isn't. It's just clumsy and head scratching but perhaps i have Mitchell in my head when i watch that. I get that it's supposed to be like an opium den for want of a comparison but it just jars. I hope it's the last we see of such scenes but probably won't be.

And still don't know what was hanging up in that barn a couple of weeks back, with three episodes left of this series, i'm sure we'll find out soon!

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Wednesday 12th of June 2013 09:04:56 PM

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Wednesday 12th of June 2013 09:06:58 PM


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I've never watched the US version cuz the UK version is my heart, but am a little tempted to now that UK is done.... We'll see how it goes....


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I watched the final two episodes of series one this morning.

Again it ran parallel to the UK storyline. Namely the Mitchell/Josie storyline was echoed with Aidan/Celine.

When the show parallels the UK storylines it very rarely, if ever, betters them. The only time that happened was the Bernie storyline. I thought the US interpretation was better. I found the Aidan/Celine story while sweet in parts, it didn't have the poignancy that the Mitchell/Josie one and i think that's partly down to the fact that so far we haven't had the full back story of Aidan and Celine and perhaps that will be revisited in S2. It was nice but it didn't have the sensitivity of Josie/Mitchell.

First time i've thought Bishop was remotely menacing.

The despatch of Bishop was different in this version, it was Aidan who did it (decapitation by razorwire, ouch!) I liked the UK interpretation more, in that Mitchell had initially saved George by saving him from Seth and co so he repaid this favour by saving Mitchell by tearing Herrick apart. Didn't happen in this version, Josh transformed in the basement of the hospital, witnessed by Nora who then loses the baby they were expecting (whether due to the fact it was a full moon or just sad unrelated circumstances, i don't know) and we know (but Josh doesn't) that she's been scratched.

I do like Sally in this version, she has a little more spark than Annie and i enjoyed her revenge against Danny but again it didn't quite work. I much preferred the 'where the wild things are' speech and i think that might have worked more than just scaring the crap out of Danny as they did.

I like Josh, he's uptight like George but not the high pitched squealing uptight that made George George and Aidan has his moments, he is no Mitchell that's for sure, he does not have his charisma nor his easy charm. Aidan is much more guarded than Mitchell and perhaps that could be down to the fact that Aidan is much older than Mitchell.

So all in all Being Human USA for me, wasn't the disaster i thought it might be (I think given they're about to film their fourth series kind of confirms that). The show is definitely stronger when following their own storylines. It is interesting seeing their interpretations, their canon where it differs from the UK version. I found myself liking it and i think if i hadn't seen the UK version first, i would've watched this version anyway.

Watch have confirmed that they have the rights to series two but sadly it looks like i'm going to have to wait until the new year to see it.


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I recently started watching the US version and was glad I was warned that the first season does mirror the UK one a bit, but then they go off in their own direction. By the time season 2 begins, it's a COMPLETELY different show, so it's easier to get behind cuz you're not like "Ugh, the other way was better."

I liked Josh (the werewolf) a lot from the beginning. He is so adorable. I really like Sally (the ghost) a lot too. It took me a while to get into Aidan (the vampire), but I think that's not the actor's fault but more that I am such a huge fan of both Mitchell & Hal. But now, I like him a lot too.

I have only seen the first two seasons cuz that's all Netflix has up at this point. I started watching it after season 3 aired on SyFy, so now I have to wait for Netflix to put it up. But I was VERY happily surprised by it. I always said I wouldn't watch it, but I am glad I gave it a chance. It's a good show & I like that it's a completely different thing than the original so I can enjoy it and I don't know what's going to happen!

All that being said, the original will always be my love-- one of my all time fave shows. <3


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I just started watching the US version after I watch all of the UK version and I have to say I prefer the UK.


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Well i watched season two of the show.

And it's very true that when it gets onto its own themes, then it gets better. It does. I did like how this version expanded on certain ideas and storylines that were perhaps only touched upon by BHUK. The story of Julia for example, who I think was mentioned in the UK pilot? and she also has the same name in the US version. The story of Julia and Josh was the Sam and George storyline of season two but there was no Molly in this one and when Julia does find out about Josh and what he is, it's with a tragic conclusion with a nice twist, for want of a better description. Josh is a great character, he's definitely my favourite of the three, there is just something so...watchable and adorable about Sam Huntingdon that keeps me coming back to the show.

Sally was also interesting, there was a story with her mum in this one and a very interesting reaper idea. She's nothing like Annie, nothing at all- but the conclusion of season 2 and her character echoes Annie's in our season two. 

Aidan. I'm still on the fence with him. Again i'm not as charmed by him as i was by Mitchell but he's interesting and he is the father of the group in a similar way Mitchell was in the UK version. His slide back into blood addiction was nicely done (but still don't like the opium den styling of it all, it's a bit too blatant and him acting all 'blood drunk' was a bit jarring in comparison to Mitchell's blood drunk menace post BTM) But he had his moments and his relationship with his protege Henry Durham was an interesting story. The similarity to Yorke jarred with me, just the name because the characters are nothing alike (and Durham was sired 1918 in France). Kyle Schmid plays Durham with both charm and menace, you aren't quite sure which side he's on but there is an interesting relationship between him and Aidan....very father and son at times.

Suren. Wasn't really a fan if i'm to be honest. Ultimately she was someone who couldn't break the mommy bond and it cost her. I was waiting for someone to off Mother but it didn't happen.

The second series ended in a very interesting place, cliffhanger that i won't have to wait ages to find out because season three begins tonight.

So all in all, while still not a patch on the far superior version it was spawned from, i'm glad i kept with it because i did find myself enjoying it on its own merits.

-- Edited by rubyrosettared on Monday 13th of October 2014 03:46:08 PM


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I'm watching season three. It's actually pretty good (please don't hate me)

A flu type virus has wiped out a lot of vampires, Mother included and the Dutch too. This flu virus is dormant in the blood and fatal to vampires and Aidan avoided being infected by being subterranean for a year. I thought it was a bit of a cop out regarding Mother, would've loved to have seen Aidan get his revenge somehow.

Sally is alive again, kind of but with consequences if anyone she knew before she died sees her again.

Josh wants to marry Nora. He's been to meet her family who are disfunctional to say the least!

Aidan is struggling after losing Henry to the Vampire Flu.

Some interesting ideas in there, the flu virus thing especially, would've been interesting to see how this would've played out in the UK version.


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I know that is this thread is old, but I didn’t really like the US version (I am from the US), I like the UK version better.


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welcome2 welcome! You won't find any disagreement here!


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