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Topic: BBC AMERICA Being Human Series 5 Premiere Date 13 July

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BBC AMERICA Being Human Series 5 Premiere Date 13 July


Good news for our American friends and fans -  BBC Being Human Series 5 premieres as part of 'Supernatural Saturday' on 8 June!

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Being Human is produced by Touchpaper Wales, a Zodiak Media Company, for BBC Cymru Wales and BBC AMERICA. In the final season of BBC AMERICA’s hit original Being Human series, ghost Alex (Kate Bracken) is adjusting to life after death with werewolf Tom (Michael Socha), but vampire Hal (Damien Molony) is in hell. Not because he’s chained up like an animal, but because he’s desperate to clean up the messy house. When Tom and Alex decide to set him free, Hal’s wracked by uncertainty… can he control his bloodlust? Things get complicated with the return of Mr. Rook, the shady figure whose government department protects the world from supernaturals. Having been fired from the café, Hal and Tom find new employment at the Barry Grand Hotel, home to poisonous pensioner Captain Hatch (Phil Davis). Unknown to our trio, his decrepit exterior hides an ancient evil that threatens not only their friendship but also the entire world. Lead writer is Toby Whithouse(Doctor Who, Torchwood) and the fifth season is produced by Polly Buckle. Executive producers are Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey and Philip Trethowan, Touchpaper Television, and George Ormond for BBC Cymru Wales. Being Human returns Saturday, June 8, 10:00pm ET/PT as part of Supernatural Saturday.



Read more here!

EDIT: A schedule change has been announced - the BH5 premiere date is now 13 July


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Mad about Lord Harry
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RE: BBC AMERICA Being Human Series 5 Premiere Date 8 June

Seems wrong that the US fans have to wait so long !!! Will it be the exactly same version I remember someone on the forum saying they cut bits out of series 4!!!:(


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Good question HalGal! I was most surprised that there were edits made to the uk version for the US audience for series 4. It will be interesting to find out if the same happens to series 5!


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That stinks! I don't watch most of my TV via TV so I wouldn't know.  Why would they cut bits out?  To make room for commercials? 


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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When I heard they do that I assumed they tried to cut it down to forty minutes, but I can't imagine how they end up with anything comprehensible. If they're allowing it to run more than the average length of a show, then why bother cutting it?

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I am not sure if it is a time thing or a content thing UJ? perhaps some of our American friends who have seen the BBC uk and BBC America versions of Being Human uk can tell us?


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How confusing..the above feature from BBC America gives June 8 as the premiere date for Being Human 5 on BBC America, yet the following gves 13 July!?!



In the final season of BBC America’s hit original “Being Human” series, ghost Alex (Kate Bracken) is adjusting to life after death with werewolf Tom(Michael Socha), but vampire Hal (Damien Molony) is in hell. Not because he’s chained up like an animal, but because he’s desperate to clean up the messy house.

When Tom and Alex decide to set him free, Hal’s wracked by uncertainty…can he control his bloodlust? Things get complicated with the return of Mr. Rook, the shady figure whose government department protects the world from supernaturals. Having been fired from the café, Hal and Tom find new employment at the Barry Grand Hotel, home to poisonous pensioner Captain Hatch (Phil Davis). Unknown to our trio, his decrepit exterior hides an ancient evil that threatens not only their friendship but also the entire world.

“Being Human” is written by Toby Whithouse (“Doctor Who,” “Torchwood”) and the fifth season is produced by Polly Buckle. Executive Producers are Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey and Philip Trethowan, Touchpaper Television, and George Ormond for BBC Cymru Wales.

“Being Human” returns Saturday, July 13 at 10:00pm ET/PT as part of Supernatural Saturday.


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I believe that there has indeed been a change of scheduling for the BH5 premiere in America to 13 July. fangswerewolfghost


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RE: BBC AMERICA Being Human Series 5 Premiere Date 13 July

Because June wasn't long enough to wait.  Jeez!  I'm glad I found other avenues to watch the final season. 


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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That's great!  I have been waiting for it.  I watched the final series on you tube on my laptop.  Just not the same as watching it on  TV.

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I'm looking forward to re-watching it with some friends who have BBCA. I don't get that channel.  They enjoy the show but don't quite understand why I'm so gone over it.  I think it's because they haven't seen this last season and it was so GOOD! I'm looking forward to seeing their reactions.


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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I watched about 20 minutes of Ep 1 and was so disappointed that they bleeped out words and there was a huge watermark on one side of the screen that I gave up. It's recording so that gets counted in whatever is counted towards "ratings", not that it matters anymore.  

Very disappointed in BBCA overall. They didn't even post the "Alex's Unfinished Business" clips on their site.  American fans are getting jipped and I think that's why (relatively) fewer people over here understand the appeal.  They aren't getting all the goodies that elevate the show from awesome to FUCKING AWESOME.  (you can bleep me out if you want, I did that on purpose.) LOL

-- Edited by whimsyfox on Wednesday 24th of July 2013 04:11:33 AM


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We watched the first two episodes of this season on BBC America tonight with some friends.  BBCA cut a lot of good stuff out.  The conversation between Hal and Crum in the basement got cut out, they bleeped out dicksplash and all instance of fuck and they cut out the scene with Crum and Alan on the beach talking about Flaming Dork Orc (I guess to squeeze more commercials in).


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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Random Jane wrote:

We watched the first two episodes of this season on BBC America tonight with some friends.  BBCA cut a lot of good stuff out.  The conversation between Hal and Crum in the basement got cut out, they bleeped out dicksplash and all instance of fuck and they cut out the scene with Crum and Alan on the beach talking about Flaming Dork Orc (I guess to squeeze more commercials in).

 Hooowwwwww can they have edited all that out?  Swearing, OK, I get, kinda, but it's shown at 10pm is it not?  Why can't you talk about bumming and all that?  And the Flaming Orc stuff is important for episode 4.  How are people going to understand why Crumb's hanging around with Alan and the whole bit with Hal and Alex finding them in their flat with the caps on and playing the game! Gaahhhhh!

They should show an uncut version of it at midnight or something if they're that worried - all ads at that time of night are crap infomercials anyway aren't they?

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I understand that they have to cut parts out due to commercials but still it's really annoying. Or they could just run shows longer and add more commercials in. 

@whimsyfox - Well put.  I think it does affect the popularity of the show.  I'm glad now that I don't get BBCA.  At least Neftlix and Amazon don't cut things so maybe some of the people watching on BBCA will re-watch and get the whole episodes. 

They did at least show Alan and Crum on the beach and Alan asking Crum to turn him but the whole game conversation was cut.  I don't think the bumming conversation was censorship but another case of having to cut something out to leave room for commercials. 

I know they have to bleep out certain words by law (US decency laws are stupid).  How many young children are watching Being Human UK?  If they are they're probably kids of more liberal parents. 


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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I am actually shocked by this. As if enough Colin and Hamza scenes weren't cut out already in the uk version. The flaming orc moment was the very way Alan persuaded Crumb to recruit him!

(by the way you ladies dropping the 'b' off Crumb caused me to check, and it is actually with!)


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Team DaMo
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Its so weird what America will allow to be shown and what they won't allow to be shown. Sometimes its for commercials purposes and other times its for the audience viewsmad.gif.


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it is bad enough that it is interrupted by commercial breaks, did not realise this was the case on BBC America...that changes the whole flow / arc of the episode!

however..so very glad that the wider american audience has a chance to watch the original, the one and only, Being Human! vampwerewolfghost


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OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!!  We watched Ep 5 tonight.  They cut out Alex's bra of doom speech, Natasha and Tom's date and the entire living room scene were Hal comes in with the keys and kisses Alex and the birds-and-the-bees talk!  No wonder the show isn't as popular in America.  Americans watching BBC America are only getting half of the show.  Tonight's episode made no sense.  

I'm so glad this is not how I get my British TV. 

What a bunch of butchers!

-- Edited by Random Jane on Wednesday 14th of August 2013 02:12:30 AM


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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Random Jane wrote:

OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!!  We watched Ep 5 tonight.  They cut out Alex's bra of doom speech, Natasha and Tom's date and the entire living room scene were Hal comes in with the keys and kisses Alex and the birds-and-the-bees talk!  No wonder the show isn't as popular in America.  Americans watching BBC America are only getting half of the show.  Tonight's episode made no sense.  

I'm so glad this is not how I get my British TV. 

What a bunch of butchers!

-- Edited by Random Jane on Wednesday 14th of August 2013 02:12:30 AM

 I am still so INCREDIBLY bitter about how much they butchered this episode.  I'm terrified to see how much they're going to ruin the series finale this weekend..... cry


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How weird! I don't understand how they can bleep out the swear words in this programme and then show programmes like Dexter where almost every other word is the "F" word or permutations of it!


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Pearl24 wrote:

How weird! I don't understand how they can bleep out the swear words in this programme and then show programmes like Dexter where almost every other word is the "F" word or permutations of it!


I'm not too knowledgeable about how the system works but basically there are different classifications of channels. There are COMMERCIAL BROADCAST channels with strict FCC rules and regulations on the content.  They also have adverts on them.

From Wikipedia: "Unlike the BBC's wholly owned domestic channels which are principally funded by a television licence fee, BBC America is a commercial station and as such carries advertising messages."

Then there are PREMIUM channels that are subscription based.  Because they are subscription based they are not governed by the normal rules. They also don't have adverts.

From Wikipedia: "Due to the unedited nature of premium services, it is typical for large amounts of profanity, nudity/sexual situations, violence and other adult content to be shown since they are not subject to approval by sponsors. To notify viewers of program content, most premium channels air advisory bumpers immediately before each program, mentioning the program rating and program content information." 

Dexter is on Show Time, a premium channel.  Premium channels include HBO, Starz, Show Time, Max... 




papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Thanks for the explanation. I thought it might be something like that.


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Most of the editing on Being Human has been done to allow room for commercials.  It seems to me that they could just as easily give these shows longer time slots and add some commercials to fill in the time.  Cutting the show down to fit into a short time slot isn't doing anyone any good.  Seriously, this episode made no sense with all that they cut out of it.  And if you ask me, they cut out the best part of the entire show.

During their argument Alex asked Hal if he was on the blood when they kissed.  Made no sense since we didn't see them kiss.  Tom was waiting for Natasha at a candle lit table in the kitchen. Why? We have no idea since we didn't see him ask her over or ask her out and then go on the date earlier.  He starts to undo his belt when she hitches up her skirt at the dinner table. Why?  We didn't see the birds-and-the-bees talk earlier. Tom gets mad when he finds out about Hal feeding on her.  We don't really understand why he's as mad as he is (Hal didn't kill her) since we don't know how much he likes her.  No sense!  Oh they also cut out the scene in the hotel room between Natasha and Tom when they made the bet on whether the guests were having an affair.  

What really upsets me is our friends don't have Netflix and this is how they see all of their British TV.  How much of the rest of Being Human, UK (and other shows) have they missed?  No wonder they like they show but aren't as in love with it as I am. No wonder they think the US version is just as good.  no 

We will be watching the full episodes next week of this episode and the finale.  I will not allow this travesty continue in my presence.

They asked if we wanted to watch the first episode of Boadchurch since they had it available on demand from BBC America.  I told them thank you but no. We would prefer to see the whole thing. 


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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The thing about Broadchurch though is that it was broadcast on ITV so is a 45 minute programme as opposed to BH which is an hour, so it may survive the axe.

Still amazed that ep5 was hacked to that extent. I know people who work in Programme Acquistion (which is the department that buy in programmes from whereever and then edit them to fit - either putting in advert breaks or taking them out) and I don't think they'd want to do a hatchet job on any programme; they're working in TV generally because they love it...

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