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Topic: RIPPER STREET (Not Damien related)

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Team DaMo
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RE: RIPPER STREET (Not Damien related)


Whooooooooooo! I'm so excited.


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@domino Thanks for the warm welcome!

Very interested in where they take Susan's story. Perhaps we'll find out more about why Matthew Judge killed William Goodnight. Was it related to what happened in the Haymarket riots? Was Susan there? Unfortunately that would be a Chicago story not a London one!

I still haven't seen any of GoT. I'm not sure my heart could take it! It has an amazing cast though, and it's brought attention to lots of exciting actors.

Can't wait to see Damo bounce off Adam Rothenberg. Hope they don't keep making him play somebody uptight, but I'm afraid they will.

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I'd forgotten about Rose's personal ad. D'oh! Trying to decide if I still think of her as not so hapless. Just not the experienced operator she may think she is, perhaps. I think I'm most curious about Rose for season 2 (besides young Albert). She tried to do something different and it went pear shaped. Back to Long Susan's or sticking it out? I hope she sticks it out.

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Yay since I finally got to watch RS last week, I can contribute to the convo!


First of all, welcome @fleem!  Nice to see another familiar name come to the forum.


I have seen GoT, I LOVE Bronn, Jerome Flynn's character, and he's night to Drake's day.  Which makes me love both of them even more, Mr. Flynn has pulled off such polar opposite characters marvelously.

Rose - I saw her as a bit dimwitted (or perhaps not to be harsh, naive) and of course I'm a bit upset with her spurning Drake.  But the fact that she had herself educated enough to read and write changed my opinion of her somewhat.  I somehow doubt this will happen, but I hope she does eventually fall in love with Drake.  Or maybe it could happen, but there will be some bumpy twists and turns before we get there, such as she has a thing for/with the new Det. Flight and this causes tensions between Flight and Drake (though it's already caused tension with Drake and Jackson, so not sure we should re-hash that sort of thing).

Susan's accent, perhaps her mother was British and she spent some of her childhood in the UK even though Swift is American. Now, I wasn't paying particular attention at one point, but is there something about him being her father AND something more? Perhaps he's really her Step-father, that could account for  the accent discrepancy.

Deborah Goren - you could see the sexual tension between her and Reid from the start!  She is as you guys have said an Earth Mother and I think she is drawn to Reid's sorrow, wants to comfort him.  Plus he is a bit hot at times.  And she looks like she's all alone taking care of all those orphans. They are taking comfort in each other.  I do LOVE that she told him he needs to share the news about the boat survivor with his wife.  I like Deborah the most actually of all the female characters. (yes nevermind the adultery) She's selfless & caring, and is willing to take what part of him he can give.  I'm always drawn to characters like that rather than the feisty ones, perhaps it's closer to how I am? 

Overall the violence doesn't bother me, even that towards the women, because this show better represents the time and location.  It's not a romanticized version.  It's refreshing in some ways.  

And POOR HOBBS.  The way he died was absolutely heartbreaking! 



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good to see everyone watching the first series, preparing for series 2!

thanks for sharing your thoughts whimsy


hands up who is looking at every filming photo they come across, like the ones below, for a glimpse of Albert Flight?

Ripper Street Film Set Dublin | entertainment.ie


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I came across this interview with Charlene McKenna quite by accident - not sure if I regret reading it or not yet but it contains BIG SPOILERS about her character in series 2! (you've been warned!)

Charlene McKenna Ripper Street 2 Interview | herald.ie


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I'm rewatching S1 on my laptop with earphones in and i'm enjoying it so much more this time around. I think perhaps because i can hear the dialogue more clearly but i'm very much enjoying the use of language as well as the performances. I've just watched episode 4, the one about the birth of the underground, the sanitorium, Lucy and her illegitimate children and Capt. Jackson being under the influence of amphetamines (LOL!)

I do agree with Long Susan being the most strongly drawn female character. She is. And her dresses are stunning, though i don't think i could survive those corsets for very long.


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This is a very cool breakdown of series 1 from the BBC America official Ripper street site!

Ripper Street Season 1 Cheat Sheet, Spoiler Alert | BBC America


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