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Topic: Foodie Programmes Appreciation Topic

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RE: Foodie Programmes

Haha yes domino we can only hope for a future appearance 😊 how bad was Sarah Harding though! She seems a little bit mental I think she needs to take some time off 😂


Sooner or later, we all go back to being the monsters we truly are!


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I honestly get a moment of butterflies where i genuinely think it could poss be Damien.. which is entirely possible of course, except that he is such a busy man, I doubt he'd manage to commit to such a schedule.


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Loved this series of celeb Masterchef! and GBBO is back!!!!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Hurrah for GBBO being back ! I always need a sweet treat when I watch though !

I wasn't sure who most of the celebrities were in Masterchef ! I'm not sure if I should be proud or worried ?!

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I'm a fellow GBBO fan, only saw last weeks last night on iplayer.... The lass was lucky with her disaster...


Good Hal? Bad Hal? Really don't mind.... 

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GBBO for the win!


My all time fave Hal line (just love the way he says it)

"We've been played! My God! We've been played!"

"Annie's getting hysterical downstairs and I'm not enjoying it"

"kill me. Kill me now. You can tell Annie that I attacked you or something"

"“Were you guys talking about me? I heard ‘clearly gorgeous’” 

 "Yes because otherwise you are quite the catch"

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Anyone else loving this series of GBBO? Any favourites so far? I am loving Tamal - from the first week when he injected his cakes (an anaesthetist!) I was rooting for him and Nadiya is so creative! loved the snake bake and her showstopper last week was the best of the bunch!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Tamal is doing really well. I agree that Nadiya 's show stopper was amazing. The fizz coming out of the can was brilliant !

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Nadiya nearly lost it in this week's GBBO! But poor Alvin... I really felt for him.
My faaves remain the same I just hope they end up in the final 3!

Also, Valentine Warner on this morning's Saturday Kitchen - heaven! He is my celeb chef crush and just love his cooking style.


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Alvin was such a sweetie ! Tamal's still my favourite.

I've seen Valentine a couple of times at food festivals, domino. He was stood right behind my brother and I at one point and we were both a bit star struck !

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Go Tamal! Star baker! But sad to see Matt go.. he was the comedian of the GBBO family. Loved it when he called 'Taxi!" Come Dine With Me style when he suspected he may be going home. aw.
Cannot believe the quarter finals are nearly here... anyone got faves to win?


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I think that it will be Tamal, Nadiya and Ian in the final. I'd like Tamal to win.

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WOOHOO! GBBO final tomorrow!

You're prediction for the final 3 came true Rosie!

I was hoping for Nadiya, Tamal and Flora, who was supet talented for her age but alas she lost out to Ian.

I want Nadiya to win, and Tamal a close second!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'd be happy if either Nadiya or Tamal won. I think they are all pretty even so I think it's going to be very much what happens on the day. Someone could have a real disaster.

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dancing YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! dancing


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RE: Foodie Programmes Appreciation Topic

Who is watching GBBO? I'm loving it so far, my faves are Selasi and Rav but think that Candice or Jane might win!

It's absoutely mortifying and shocking that the show has been bought by Channel 4. But with Mel, Sue and Mary announcing they are not making the move to channel 4 (which I am glad about) what show will there be left? 

It is delightful news however that the BBC may be launching a new show with Mary, Mel and Sue!

BBC could launch Bake Off rival before Channel 4 show, source says


They could call it MasterBaker or something...


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'm glad Mel, Sue and Mary have taken a principled stand.

I don't have a favourite in GBBO yet. I'm finding Candice a bit pouty!

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I'm taking a different direction from most about bake off. I love the programme but the idea and the format were not the brainchild of the BBC. When the Beeb wouldn't pay the fee to continue the programme it was offered elsewhere. I really don't see why channel 4 should get all the flack, they've merely picked up a programme that was going to be dropped by the beeb.

As for Mel and Sue, they can be replaced and Mary is in her eighties! Why not Nadiya to take over from her?

Questions being asked by politicians? It's gone way overboard, it's just a tv programme, for goodness sake!

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I'm not really interested in the politics. The issue for me is - it won't be the same programme, it can't be, so effectively it is the end of GBBO. I'm sad about that, it is one of my fave shows, it is a treasure just as it is. Plus, adverts every ten mins?

Pouty is a good word for Candice Rosie, but she does have some inventive bakes! The pub with the sticky carpet? lol!


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GBBO is back! 

Looking back at my last comment here, I had very low hopes for the show's transfer to Channel 4! On watching it I have mixed feelings. It is still the same wonderful tent and same captivating format, and still a very entertaining hour of TV. But.. the ad breaks really did irk me and feel like an insult to the gorgeous show and its previously known flow..not just an inconvenient interruption. (Yes I know about funding and the important of adverts but don't care in this instance.)

Having said that, I did watch it all the way through and like the new contestants. Not so keen on Prue (she didn't really grow on me in the Great British Menu either) and miss Queen Mary Berry terribly.. it feels like another massive blow to the what makes the show what it is for it to air without her. But I'm a massive Noel Fielding fan and found myself waiting for more weirdness and Boosh-ness from him.. I suspect more will come which is delightful! I'm slightly indifferent about Sandy Toksvic, she's no Mel or Sue (who are perfection, aren't they?) but you do feel safe in her hands and she has a wonderfully dry humour.

Did anyone else watch? What did  you think of the contestants and any early favourites? How about the new presenters and the adverts? 


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I was surprised that there were no real changes to the show in the sense of the credits, music etc. I though that perhaps Noel Fielding seemed a little nervous/uncomfortable but he doesn't have the same sort of presenting experience that Sandi has. Hopefully he'll come into his own as the series continues.

I had forgotten about how it feels in the early episodes when you are trying to get your head around who everyone is!

Still not a Paul fan and Prue doesn't have the same warmth as Mary but all in all I was pleasantly surprised. I was nervous about the move to channel 4 as it seems such a quintessentially BBC type of programme. The adverts didn't bother me too much. I expect a lot of people will record/watch on catch up to avoid the adverts.

I thought the showstopper illusion cakes were spectacular!

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Well, I loved it! Didn't mind the advert breaks, recorded and fast-forwarded when needed - made a cup of tea at one point!
It was the same format, just as expected - that's what Channel 4 paid for, after all.
I wasn't a great Mel and Sue fan (the constant innuendos grated) but I like Sandi and think she fits in well. I knew nothing about Noel Fielding but he came over as sweet, and I think the two of them go well together. Love the way they do the bake countdown together.
I like Prue Leith (I've had her 'Bible' for so long it's just about dropping to bits) and prefer her to Mary Berry. Paul Hollywood seems easier to please at the moment - we'll have to wait and see how long that lasts.
I thought the standard was high this year, the challenges interesting.
All in all, I don't think the move to a different channel has harmed the GBBO at all - I actually think the changeover has gone smoothly and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
It was a shame the 'greenhouse' cake wasn't finished, though, it looked to be a spectacular design. I think I'd have had to dislocate my jaw to eat the winning 'sandwich'. Just a shame we don't have the ability to taste what's been made!

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Well, I am totally over my GBBO move to channel 4 sulk, and in mega fan mode again!

Loving this series! Who else is watching it, and do you have any faves to win?

From the start my faves have been Kim Joy, Bryony and Rahul, but this Rahul will win! He is such a character.

And... HURRAH for vegan week!


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Love Kim Joy and Rahul. My daughter really enjoyed vegan week. She said she felt smug that she's not the only one to have problems with cakes!

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Yes! The bakers had to be more creative and think outside of the box in vegan week. The nation also learned meringue can be made from aquafaba!


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