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Topic: Foodie Programmes Appreciation Topic

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RE: Foodie Programmes Appreciation Topic

So we're down to the 4 semi finalists! And, they are all my faves, yay! But, just me, or did anyone else think that based on this week alone Rahul had the worst week? I was surprised Manon was sent home. I a glad Rahul is moving forward in the comp though, it wouldn't be the same without him! 


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Jack Weston's Swear Box
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AS much as I like Rahul, he really should have gone this week. Everyone of his bakes were bad. But I suppose his previous weeks bakes saved him.

I don't have a favouite baker, so it means I will be happy if anyone of them win.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


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Agree with your every word about Rahul Ann, could not have said it better .

I do have faces though, and I'm delighted with the remaining 4 line up. I have a soft spot for Kim Joy though, what a lovely soul she is and her artistic talent in her bakes is magical. Can't wait for the semi finals tonight! (are there only 2 weeks left! oh! )


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Looking forward to GBBO tonight. Rahul really needs to pull it out of the bag tonight if he wants to get to the final. He's had a couple of bad weeks now and it would be a shame to see him go based on his previous excellent bakes. I think I'd like Bryony or Kim-Joy to win. Kim-Joy's bakes are so creative and always make me smile, and Bryony is such a warm, likeable person and she's really improved since the early weeks.

Jack Weston's Swear Box
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I love how Kim-Joy always has a animal theme in her bakes, but claim not to like animals.

I love Noel and Sandi, Paul is well Paul. I cannot warm to Pru, much prefer Mary. At least Mary Berry can bake.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


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True Rosie, Rahul cannot afford another bad week, it would be tragic not to see him in the final. Bryony is one of my other faves too, and she is def becoming a contender. It's too tough to call with the remaining bakers!

Ann I love that too - the squirrels!

Aw, Prue has proved herself I think, she's far more humble than Paul and really down to earth, she has a little but of eccentricity to her which I love and her creations for the technical have always looked amazing. After her 'Le Gâteau Vert' / spinach cake, she can stay!


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Sad to see Briony go, really liked her, but she did have a bit of a disastrous week.
Would love to see Ruby or Kim Joy win, Rahul is starting to irritate me rather.
I must say I love the presenters - there is a great rapport between Sandi and Noel and they are actually quite funny.
My hat off to all those taking part in this - I love baking but would completely go to pieces if I had to take part in anything that meant Paul Hollywood acting as critic!

-- Edited by EllieForster on Wednesday 24th of October 2018 10:02:56 PM

Jack Weston's Swear Box
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It was sad to see Briony go, but getting sugar and salt mixed up that is a big no no. Sandi seemed really choked up when she had to announce who would go.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


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My heart went out to Briony, she had 'a mare' of a final bake in the show stopper. It was the right decision, but my heart went out to her, she was the only one doing the full rough puff, but because of that, time was against her, which resulted in her making mistakes she would have normally never made. Really sad she won't be in the final. But can't wait to see Kim Joy, Ruby and Rahul battle it out next week! action


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Fun fact: Michelle Keegan is taking part in the next Great Celebrity Bake Off!


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Can't wait for the GBBO final tonight! Any bets on who will win? cool


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Jack Weston's Swear Box
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I saw that about Michelle Keegan. When I first saw the list I saw the word Being Human and for a split second I got exited, but it was Russell Tovey.

As for tonight I think I will cheer on Kim-Joy. Her attention to detail is lovely. She always does a animal theme and I love animals.
Apparently they're leaving the tent tonight. Very exiting.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'm really looking forward to the GBBO final tonight! I have my sweet treats ready!

I'd like Kim-Joy to win because her bakes are so creative with such attention to detail.

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So *Spoiler alert* Rahul won! Congrats to him! What a great final, they all did so well
I did feel a tad disappointed, like you Rosie I was rooting for Kim-Joy. Throughout this series it seemed like a foregone conclusion all along that Rahul would win, he did so well in the earlier weeks that despite losing it in the last 3 it was already cemented in the mind of Mr Hollywood that he would be the winner! He is such a character though and a worthy finalist.

Kim-Joy was by far the clear leader after the signature challenge and the technical (woohoo to coming first in the technical at last, and what a time to do it!). But Rahul and Ruby did create far more complex showstoppers, at least in quantity and flavours. PH was really hard on Kim-Joy in that final bake though, almost as if he wanted to make it really clear why she wasn't going to win, in his mind. She wins on artistry and exquisite detailing every time, her bakes were works of art!


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Jack Weston's Swear Box
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I was disappointed in last nights final. We'd seen doughnuts before and they'd also made pitta bread before, ok not on a outside fire and the showstoppers were all a pretty poor effort.
Ruby's one looked like those you see on Extra Slice, You know 'Sue wanted to make a special cake for her friend Gladys 50th birthday, they show the cake and everyone laughes'

Kim-Joy should have won, but it didn't surprise me that they gave it to Rahul. Think he might be the darling of this years show. Anyone else other than Rahul would have gone a few weeks ago. It's been a while since we had a male winner.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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The showstopper challenge was not as impressive as previous years - the wedding cake challenge was a stand out in a previous series. But surely all desserts should be in a landscape!!

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I was disappointed in the result, to be honest. Rahul was my least favourite of the finalists and I would have been happy with either of the others winning. But I think Paul definitely liked him.
The show-stoppers were all underwhelming, they looked awful - I didn't actually want to try any of them!

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The technical challenge on the open fire was fiendish - I loved it!

This series has been my fave so far, partly because of the wonderful characters taking part, but also the newly introduced challenges. The new format, judges and presenters are properly coming into their own too. My only irk is Mr PH, who slightly needs to get over himself and his handshake. More 'Prue Pats' next series please!

Looking forward to bingeing the boxset on All 4 now, and of course watching the final 'An Extra Slice' tomorrow niight - always brilliant entertainment, but especially looking forward to hearing direct from the finalists !


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Jack Weston's Swear Box
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Totally agree with you about Mr Hollywood. Hate the look he gives when some say there preparing something in a unusual way. Wish someone would tell him to butt out.

Don't think that Rahul will have a successful career llke Nadiya, but who really knows. I have a feeling TV execs might prefer Ruby.


"It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity..the seeping realisation that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for this domestic world”


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GBBO is back!

Who's watching?

Here's to loads of 'Prue Pats' this year!



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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So excited that Bake Off is back! We always have a sweepstake at work which adds to the excitement.

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