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Topic: *** Strictly Come Dancing! *** Appreciation Topic

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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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RE: *** Strictly Come Dancing! *** Appreciation Topic

Kellie and Kevin's foxtrot was achingly romantic. Jamelia and Tristan's charleston was fab! So much fun.

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Poor Jay had a nightmare of a dance tonight - he slipped a couple of times and that put him off. However, he recovered but had his lowest marks at 25


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I felt so sorry for Jay. You could see how gutted he was. I'm sure he'll be back better than ever next week.

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He was too Rosie! dancing
Who was surprised by the dance off couple this week? couldn't believe it! Not sure they were the right two. Sad to see Ainsley go.

Best dance of the night for me was Anita and Gleb. *tango face* .
I'm very much enjoying his interpretations and Anita is superb.


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I missed it this weekend. All the talk of tango reminds me of the fab picture on the first page of this topic! It makes me smile every time I see it.

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Jay and Aliona's paso doble was great. Lovely shaping and hands from Jay.


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Who watched the Halloween strictly special? Always a delight!

However, I remember feeling frustrated about this time last year with the couples in the dance off.

Jamelia should not have been there again! the vote is stupid! I really felt for her, what must that do to your confidence! Tristan is such a positive pro but I bet even he is getting hacked off about it. The judges chose the right couple to keep in, but it should have been Carol and Pasha, Jeremy and Karen in the dance off last night!

on a more cheery note, this:


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Helen and Aljaz - shocker!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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It was a massive shock! I thought it would be Katie and Anton. I wonder if some people are voting for the professionals rather than the celebrity? I still want Jay to win. He must have felt a little under-dressed this week!

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It is the Strictly 2016 final tonight! glitterdancing

And the shocks continued didn't they Rosie! I so wanted Anita in the final! I think she would have been too, with a different dance... their last dance was more of a show dance i felt. and too fast to show the true dance content and technical ability. The right choice was made last week, based on that dance.

So the finalists are:

Anton and Katie
Kellie and Kevin
Georgia and Giovanni
Jay and Aliona

Who is everyone rooting for to win?


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Jay and Aliona for me. Although I'd also be happy if Kellie and Kevin won.

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I think I am also rooting for Jay, as my other fave Anita is already out. Go Jay! dancing


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Still can't forget Jay's jive! Amazing!

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Kellie is so confident now! I think she could win!


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Amazing scores for Kellie and Kevin!
10, 10, 10, 10
10, 10, 10, 10!

I have to agree with the judges on the showdances, they were not, on the whole, showdance-y enough! Loved the blindfold section in Georgia and Giovannis'.. and Kellie and Kevins' was fun and brilliant. I wanted more from Jay! Anton has made his place in the final too much about himself.. and that has lost my interest slightly.

Who will the final 3 be? dancing


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Kellie and Kevin's show dance was fabulous! Jay's little face at the judges' comments on his show dance. Bless! I think it will be, Kevin and Kellie, Jay and Aliona, and Georgia and Giovanni. Though it's a tough call to guess who might win.

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I agree with you about the final three Rosie. It's tense! If you had asked me two weeks ago who I thought would win, I would have guessed between Georgia and Jay, but now I think Kellie might!


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whoop! What a final! Brilliant all round! They were all incredible! congrats to Jay! glitterglitter

He won on the vote but on the night I personally felt Kellie was the winner! 


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I thought this was one of the best series yet. Jay was my favourite from the start but I agree on tonight's performances Kellie should have won.

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It isn't supposed to be based on just the final night's performances. I am sure the idea is that each contestant builds up a following and the final shows how they have progressed overall. I, personally, felt that Kellie and Kevin over-danced a lot of their routines. I really do feel that the judges were completely biased in favour of K&K apart from Bruno who, despite his histrionics, usually makes a lot of sense.

I thought J&A's show dance was beautiful and the paso was the dance of the night!

I don't think that the judges should give scores in the final week, just their comments.

If Jay hadn't won, I would have preferred Georgia to be the winner. I don't think Kellie should have even been in the final. Anita should have been there.

Sorry I haven't replied in this thread before but I have been bogged down with a cold and other things.

-- Edited by Pearl24 on Tuesday 5th of January 2016 06:09:41 AM


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I'm very late to the thread but Jay and Aliona should not have won- they were very sub par on the night. Their show dance was nothing special, mistakes happened during their Quick Step and only their Paso redeemed them. On the contrary, the girls were flawless, Kevin and Kellie's showdance was a showstopper, (they got 10's from Craig and he's never given Craig a 10 in all the time Kevin has been a pro dancer on the show), Georgia and Giovanni were also fantastic. I honestly expected either of the girls to lift the trophy. It was a popularity contest pure and simple. Of course Jay had a great journey throughout the competition, his Jive will go down in Strictly history, given how nervous he'd been during the launch show, he really came out of himself but on the night, he wasn't the best. It should've been judged on that. And don't get me started on Anton and Katie being in the final, they should not have been there in the first place- that final place should've belonged to Anita and Gleb. They were robbed and Katie and Anton's paso based showdance proved it, the other contestants were on another level talent wise, and i think Anita and Gleb would've done a much better dance to that music, had they been allocated it.

My favourite of this series was Anita and Gleb. Their Hallowe'en Waltz, the Viennese Waltz (i think it was) with the 'Gleb Special' and especially their Blackpool Paso were my favourite dances, the latter especially, that one was my favourite Strictly dance EVER. I hope he's back next year to compete again. Loved Anita's gumption and spirit all the way, an absolute grafter.


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glitterIt's baaaack!glitter


who's watching?

who are your faves?



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'm watching! I've wanted Will Young to win since I heard he'll be taking part just because he's such a sweetheart! I have no idea if he'll be any good!

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Will Young seemed to make a good start last night Rosie. There are quite a few promising dancers this year! I'm loving Judge Rinder, never seen his TV show but his dance was so OTT I couldn't tear my eyes away!


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I'm watching faithfully. I'm a big fan of Joanne and Ore and i want to see him in the final. Also love Danny and Oti and Kevin and Louise but i'm not so much a fan of new boy AJ (with Claudia), i don't know what it is about him but he just rubs me up the wrong way for some reason, but saying that, his and Claudia's AT was outstanding on Saturday night. Hated their jive last week but their AT was all sorts of wow. I get a real Tom Chambers kind of vibe from Ore though. Glad Ed Balls has finally gone, he more than outstayed his welcome. Entertaining yes, but not at the expense of the more talented dancers who've been eliminated but that's the great British viewing public for you! :)


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