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Topic: Help with a Flight fan fic idea

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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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RE: Help with a Flight fan fic idea

Yes, I can see some of that over attachment in some ways with Evelyn. He seems to have become attached to her rather quickly and yet he makes her leave rather than going with her despite the fact it obviously hurts him to do so (self-sabotaging).

His attachment to Shine seems to be similar in a way. Flight must realise that Shine is corrupt but his awareness of Shine's murders don't seem to stop him being loyal to him - he lets him know that he and Hinchcliffe are on their way to the jewellers.

I have written my version of Flight as being a little jealous and his feelings for Rosalie are overwhelming for him, intense and yes, rather clingy. He is scared of telling her how he feels, fearing that she will not feel the same and reject him but at the same time he realises that he does not want to be without her and finds his courage to risk everything, to let himself be vunerable. But he sabotages the relationship by not telling her the truth of his past but she sees past this (after a brief wobble) and sees the good in him, sees him as the man he thinks he could be. I see her love for him being a stabilising force and she helps him to see that he is worth loving (but he will always doubt this, particularly because of his feelings of shame). I'm not sure he would be an ideal first relationship (or marriage) for Rosalie but she sees his sadness and wants to make him happy. I'm wary of it seeming that she pities him though because she doesn't - she feels his pain when he tells her about his childhood but it is love she feels for him not pity.

I don't see Flight having gone the other way though and having filled that void with unsuitable experiences with women, sleeping around. I think he would have behaved differently towards Evelyn if that had been the case. Perhaps he has filled that void in other ways - his crimes perhaps, his relationship with his father figures and craving their praise, his work. The fact that Abberline says Flight worked overtime without pay at Bloomsbury and the fact we never see him go home show that he is putting all his energy into this (coupled with his wish to make amends for his crimes).

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Just been on my lunch and suddenly it came to me how many ways we see Flight sabotage himself and stop himself getting what he wants. You are so right, domino!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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OK, a little preview of what I've been sneakily writing today (when I should actually been working!) based on everyone's comments/thoughts so far.

Albert is lying in bed in his room at Mrs Burton's lodging house on Commerical Street (Road?) and can't sleep. He has met Miss Cobden's assistant Rosalie for the first time today and is thinking about her. There is more before this where we read what happens when they meet but this section is just something I've been working on today:

Maybe Rosalie was like this with everyone. Maybe she was already spoken for. She was so lovely she would surely have caught someone’s eye. The thought gave him a sick feeling in his belly. He wanted her to love him. What would she want with someone like him?

He thought of the women Shine had put his way, trying to make a man of him. It was not that he hadn’t wanted to take his pleasure from their bodies but he knew it was love he craved not just a few sordid minutes in exchange for money. He had made his excuses, claimed his faith prevented him from doing so. Shine had laughed; Flight had not been so concerned about his faith when he poisoned people with the gin he made.

He thought of the women he thought he had loved.

Alice, back in Ireland. They had been so young, fourteen. She was in the girl’s orphanage next door. He had found a way of climbing out of the window at night, down a drainpipe and into their yard. They had found a hidden place and had made their promises of love to each other before they had been caught. Alice had been sent away in disgrace. Albert had been caned and locked in the dark in the cellar to think about what a wicked, sinful boy he was.

Juliet in Bloomsbury. He had always kept her at arm’s length though, not wanting to get close to her. Had he done that to protect her from the man he knew he really was or had he feared her rejection when his secrets were discovered? He had used his move to Whitechapel as an excuse to end things with her. He had heard that she was married now and had started a family.

Evelyn. She had got under his skin. The fierce passion of her kisses had shocked him. She had wanted him and had shown him kindness. But he had been sent there undercover to find out where her father was. His feelings for her had complicated matters. Evelyn had seen through his lies and he had been forced to send her away thinking that he did not care for her. He hoped she was happy in New York.

The ache of his loneliness burrowed deeper into his chest.

Team DaMo
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About the whole Evelyn being on top, that's not necessarily the actions of an inexperienced man... maybe he's a bottom? ;) Sometimes in male/female relationships the male is the submissive lover, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! *My ears are blushing* And, well, Flight does seem kind of submissive in all of his relationships.
Honestly, I'm kind of hoping he gets back together with Evelyn once he gets his sh!t together, you know, if he does, I mean. They're so cute together!

"You won't be forgotten, guy in denim shirt!"
Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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This made me smile Cora!

Yes they were cute together and things could have been so different for Flight. Perhaps we'll see him on his way to New York in series 3 to go and find her. Not sure what she would say when she finds out he is a policeman!

I would still be jealous though!

Team DaMo
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Don't worry, you don't have a serious problem until you find yourself jealous of Baby Eve in Being Human. "Baby massage and story time? Holding the baby?" thud lol

"You won't be forgotten, guy in denim shirt!"
Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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This made me smile Cora!

Yes they were cute together and things could have been so different for Flight. Perhaps we'll see him on his way to New York in series 3 to go and find her. Not sure what she would say when she finds out he is a policeman!

I would still be jealous though!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Whoops seem to have posted the same thing twice! Stupid phone!

You do make me laugh Cora!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I've had more thoughts about this overnight and have decided on the following for the purposes of my story:

Flight arrives in Limehouse as a teenager after having spent his childhood in a harsh, religious orphanage where he is taught that he is wicked and sinful. His day to day survival becomes all encompassing, food, shelter, leading him into petty crime building up to the crimes he is arrested for. He has encounters with women but these are restricted to, let's say, fumbling with each other for comfort/to relieve tension. Shine 'saves' him from a life of crime. Flight decides he wants to be a good man, becomes a policeman, goes back to the church, denies himself alcohol. As part of this he decides that he wants to do things 'properly' and wait until he is married before having a full physical relationship. This is combined with his need to be loved but his fear of being hurt, and his feelings of guilt and shame. I want Rosalie and Albert's wedding night to be a shared proper first time, and to be tender and loving and full of wonder for them both. I've decided to go full on old school romantic because I want Flight to have something special and beautiful! To make up for all his sadness and suffering.

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Thank you for allowing me to brainstorm out loud here! It's been very helpful/interesting/illuminating. I'd love to continue to hear your thoughts about this and any other aspects of the character of Flight. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure him out for my fan fics but he is very complex and elusive, particularly as we know so little about him.

You may have realised that Flight is a particular passion of mine and I could talk about him for hours! So if you feel in need of Flight based conversation, I'm your girl!

Thanks again everyone.

Rosie xx

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We await with baited breath Rosie! it has been truly thought provoking and also very fun contemplating Flight's past romances. The more I think about the scenes with Evelyn the more layered I think it is. (lol). He was shocked at her kiss... but for so many reasons why.....and his swooping response is just as heavy with possible meaning. And I swear his hand is shaking when they are on the bed and his hand moves up. Innocence and experience... not one or the other... but laden with all kinds of baggage....his feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame, wanting to be a good man, not wanting to mess up the work to gain Reid's approval and trust, as well as the other fears he may be carrying as a result of his upbringing and consequent life. He falls for Evelyn at first sight when he first spots her in the Black Rose... all those kind of layers are there from the get go. but there is more than 'love' in that kiss he returns... need... not just lust... so much more...


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Absolutely domino, that kiss is an incredibly powerful moment. Re-watching series 2 knowing what happens in episodes 7 & 8 is a really interesting experience from a Flight point of view. There are so many layers to his words and actions in all the episodes that are not revealed at first. The words and actions of others towards him are also more layered. For example in episode 2 when Reid is explaining theories about passing on characteristics of ourselves to our children to Flight - when we discover later that Flight has been orphaned and desperately feels the lack of their guidance and his lack of knowing who he really is, what sort of man he should be - Reid's words are filled with so much meaning for Flight. What characteristics does he have of his parents? What sort of father would he be?

From his "I know what side I'm on" in episode 4 , to his, as you say, need for Evelyn which is revealed in the way he returns the kiss, combined with his need to do good work for Reid and for himself, I think that episode is vital in gaining more of a sense of Flight and who he is. That and his "the work I did for you, here, was good work" speech (which might be my favourite Flight moment). The way he seems to separate in his mind his good side with the things he did for Shine which I think perhaps is his way of coping with what has happened. But also you see a strength in him which we hadn't really seen before. He is ready to take responsibilty for his actions, he never blames Shine for any of it which he could have easily done to get himself out of trouble with Reid. You sense his frustration that nobody can see him as the man he wants to be. Theo man he could have been if things had been different. The man he might become in my fan fic ;) But there is always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that he could have gone to Reid so much earlier and told him what was going on. I have no doubt Reid would have helped him. There is always that thought that Flight only confesses to Reid because he has been left with no choice.

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Absolutely domino, that kiss is an incredibly powerful moment. Re-watching series 2 knowing what happens in episodes 7 & 8 is a really interesting experience from a Flight point of view. There are so many layers to his words and actions in all the episodes that are not revealed at first. The words and actions of others towards him are also more layered. For example in episode 2 when Reid is explaining theories about passing on characteristics of ourselves to our children to Flight - when we discover later that Flight has been orphaned and desperately feels the lack of their guidance and his lack of knowing who he really is, what sort of man he should be - Reid's words are filled with so much meaning for Flight. What characteristics does he have of his parents? What sort of father would he be?

From his "I know what side I'm on" in episode 4 , to his, as you say, need for Evelyn which is revealed in the way he returns the kiss, combined with his need to do good work for Reid and for himself, I think that episode is vital in gaining more of a sense of Flight and who he is. That and his "the work I did for you, here, was good work" speech (which might be my favourite Flight moment). The way he seems to separate in his mind his good side with the things he did for Shine which I think perhaps is his way of coping with what has happened. But also you see a strength in him which we hadn't really seen before. He is ready to take responsibilty for his actions, he never blames Shine for any of it which he could have easily done to get himself out of trouble with Reid. You sense his frustration that nobody can see him as the man he wants to be. The man he could have been if things had been different. The man he might become in my fan fic ;)
But there is always this nagging thought in the back of my mind that he could have gone to Reid so much earlier and told him what was going on. I have no doubt Reid would have helped him. There is always that thought that Flight only confesses to Reid because he has been left with no choice

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Sorry , the hazards of trying to post using a smart phone! It seems to have taken to posting twice!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Stayed up to crazy stupid o'clock starting my first chapter so now punishing myself with the housework before allowing myself to go back to Flight!

For Evelyn fans, although Albert does think of her, she will not be making a return to Whitechapel in my story. The opportunities of New York are proving a bigger lure than our beloved hero (and after he did tell her to go!). Rest assured she is happy, well and thriving. But Evelyn has left Albert with the wonderful gift of opening up his heart to the possibilities of loving and being loved. Which is why when we meet him a year or so on from the end of series 2, he is ready for the new love he meets.

Professional Thud-er
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Rosie, everything you've posited here about Flight's past, all your brainstorming, seems fairly plausible.  

I might be in the minority, but I don't feel Evelyn would have been the right sort of girl for him.  She would have eaten him alive, so to speak.  She would have been domineering, and while that might be something he could use a bit of, plus guidance, I think he would have resented her after a while.  Her hopes and dreams are not the same as his.  

Anyway, carry on.  I look forward to your fic. biggrin


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Thanks Whimsy! I do agree with you about Evelyn. I feel better about cutting her out of my fic now. I was worried that everyone would think it was just because I was jealous ;)

I think he would have rushed into things too quickly with her - clung to her because she showed him affection - without considering whether she was right for him. She definitely did not want to stay in Whitechapel and I think Flight feels his place is there to do his good work and help the people there, as he tells Reid in that scene which always touches me. I love it when Reid says "You have it Flight" and they have their little shared moment of realising they are more similar than they thought, Flight gets the acceptance he has been craving from him (before it all goes horribly wrong).

I've roughed out a chapter and a half so far. I hope that you'll think my choice of girl for Flight is more suitable. She is clever, sweet, innocent, playful, more demure than Evelyn, kind, fiercely loyal to him, knows her own mind but is also a bit of a romantic and a dreamer. She has grown up quite sheltered but moving to Whitechapel has opened her eyes to see the world as it really is. He grows to trust her with all his secrets which helps him come to terms with his past. She lets him take more of a dominant role - he wants to be the one who takes care of her and provides for her. Her job with Councillor Cobden means that she does good work in Whitechapel too.

-- Edited by RPLovesIpswich on Monday 7th of July 2014 05:04:21 PM

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Oh, and she loves to care for him which makes him feel very loved and that he is worthy of being loved. She also sees him as the man he wants to be and gives him the strength to begin to achieve that. She gives him space to feel like he is a man rather than the lost little boy he seems to be inside. While she is sweet and innocent she is emotionally very strong and Flight needs that stability. She has had a loving upbringing so does not have that depth of emotional baggage that Flight has and Evelyn had too (another reason why Flight and Evelyn would not have been right for each other).

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