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Topic: SUSPECTS 2.03 | Episode Guide | Screencaps | Poll

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SUSPECTS SERIES 2 EPISODE 3 - What did you think? [15 vote(s)]

Excellent TV, superb episode
Good, I enjoyed it
Really liked the Damien bits, the rest was not for me
it was OK
Disappointed, didn't like it at all
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SUSPECTS SERIES 2 EPISODE 3 | 27 August 2014

Whimsy, agree with all you say about the emotion of these scenes and this storyline... Rose was so amazingly portrayed by Frieda Thiel.

more screencaps to come...! Oh and the blueshirt? I think that was what Damien was wearing the day I had my virtual set tour.....

Pearl - if Suspects isn't atleast nominated for a load of TV awards there is no justice! BAFTA worthy through and through!


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I must say I totally missed the biceps! I'll have to check that out later this evening!

The Irish dancing line was so brilliant! Ah, Hal's dancer's back....lol!

I was shouting at the TV when Jack took the evidence! Exceptional acting by all.

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That was incredible! And it make more sense to everything I saw... I didn't know what was really going on when I was there!

There was little spoilers for me in this episode cause I knew Edward dies. But it didn't bother me cause there was so much more in this ep!

I was standing on that park you saw on back round, but you didn't see me there Whimsy yet cause I wasn't there in that moment

I have to wait till Sunday when I come back home till I can post pics cause they are taken from the first scene from the next episode you can see on preview. Even you can see lot in that preview I think I need to wait the actual episode to air before posting anything.

BUT I can tell you everything that won't spoil next ep in any way! (I have been dying to share my set visit story!). 

I will post it in my topic so it will be on members lounge!

But yes, loved this ep! Can't wait till next one!!



I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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More Jackcaps added to the top post!


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I'm really enjoying this series. I missed a lot of series 1 because I was never home in time to watch it but I've been home for series 2. In general if we exclude Damien it's such a bloody brilliant show! Really explores quite dark themes, but that's what I like personally. :) it's been lovely seeing DaMo on TV in something other than Being Human and it's like he's grown so much as an actor in the past 2-3 years! It's amazing, he's amazing.




I may be on the side of the angels but don't think for one second that I am one of them. 

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domino wrote:

So we now know that this behind the scenes pic of Damien, posted by Clare during filming over the summer, was taken in the Shaffer dance studio! 


too much Irish dancing....





I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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You are right Kayla, Damien is truly amazing actor and I really love Suspects, very exciting and new cop drama show and there is no other alike!



I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Another outstanding episode. I watched this about an hour behind everyone else (husband had control of the TV that evening and i had to wait til he went to bed) and had originally planned to record both eps and watch them both together but reading various twitter comments and my resolve went out of the window.

The entire team has really upped their A games this time. Everything flowed so well, again i could believe that i was watching a crime drama and not know it was improvised. If there was an amount of jigging about regarding format and dialogue and whatnot, it absolutely showed.

I did smile at the irish dancing comment and how Jack skipped up that last step as if to prove it. I do so enjoy the banter between Jack and Charlie. I also notice that while it's a fairly easy going relationship, Jack is not slow to pull rank on Charlie as and when he has to (or feels he has to)

More comments on the next episode thread....


~I'm not a man of God~

"...Super Duper..." 

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RE: SUSPECTS SERIES 2 EPISODE 3 | 27 August 2014 | Info | Screencaps | Poll

I spotted this:


Charlie keeps her pen on her hair, I was wondering what is itbiggrin


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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Lisa that Irish dancing moment is a true Suspects gem! The Jack and Charlie banter brings some light relief to a dark show, it is a hard balance to strike with the subject matter, but they do that so well.

Bit how about the very end of this episode when Charlie found Jack leaning over Shaffer's body, bloodied hands... she was genuinely freaked out and concerned..... do we think that was due to the understandable shock, or did she panic on some level, or did the possibility cross her mind, that Jack was involved?

Jozie, Jack and Charlie both have very cool pen mojo, Jack with his pen choreography, which there was lots of in this series, and Charlie with her pen in her hair! loved it!


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This episode of Suspects is up for discussion at the JACK CHAT, 8.30pm (UK time) this Sunday 19 October.

It is such an incredible and gripping episode, with a hard hitting case for the detectives and some truly nasty criminals - come and tell us your thoughts at the chat on Sunday!

For all the info, click HERE




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