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Topic: SUSPECTS 2.03 | Episode Guide | Screencaps | Poll

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SUSPECTS SERIES 2 EPISODE 3 - What did you think? [15 vote(s)]

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SUSPECTS 2.03 | Episode Guide | Screencaps | Poll

Suspects Series 2

Episode 3



 © Channel 5


27 August 2014

10pm - 11 pm

Channel 5




Jack becomes emotionally involved during this week’s investigation which takes the team into the dark world of child sex offenders following a brutal attack on amateur paedophile hunter Scott Freeman, who is left for dead on the canal towpath. First thoughts are that he has become the victim of one of his targets.

Jack knew Scott and also knows his daughter Rose), a violent drug addict. According to her sister Kelly, she is now using meth and had argued with their father earlier that day. Picked up in a drugs den, Rose kicks off and claims that she was raped eight years ago.

The discovery that Scott is linked to Edward and Tamsin Shaffer gives Martha cause for concern, as the couple run the dance academy attended by her own daughter, Daisy. Edward claims that he was Scott’s cameraman when he confronted paedophiles, but Jack’s instincts tell him that Shaffer is lying. However, he and his wife have alibis for the time of the assault.

Charlie gives the team a new lead, identifying Dr Philip Cleaving as both Rose’s rapist and the man whom Scott confronted on the towpath. There is also evidence to suggest that he is a prolific sex offender. Cleaving admits to the rapes, but denies attacking Scott and refuses to implicate anyone else in his crimes.

Jack is convinced that Shaffer is the paedophile ringleader and that he raped Rose and attacked Scott to cover his crimes, but is unable to prove it. When a formal complaint is made against him and Martha is forced to bail Shaffer due to lack of evidence, he is incandescent with rage – but how far will Jack go to get justice?




DS Jack Weston - Damien Molony

DC Charlie Steele - Clare-Hope Ashitey

DI Martha Bellamy - Fay Ripley

 Rose Freeman - Frieda Thiel

Kelly Freeman - Larissa Wilson

Edward Shaffer - Alexander Kirk

Tamsin Shaffer - Gillian Kearney

Dr Philip Cleaving - Geoff McGivern


Director - Fiona Walton

Exec Producer -  Paul Marquess

Series Producer - Kara Manley 


















































Suspects Series 2 Episode 3 | Scene Breakdown

Scene 1 ( 0.00 - 01.04 )

The episode opens with a news report voiceover of an attack on a man at the West Willow Canal, while Jack Charlie and forensics are at the crime scene

News Report: Police are appealing for witnesses a man was found unconscious with life threatening head injuries the West Willow Canal in East London today. Police are treating the attack

as attempted murder.

Jack has identified the victim as Scott Freeman, a known paedophile hunter whose MO is to pose as a 14 year old girl online to lure in paedophiles arranges to meet them, then bashes them.


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CS: That's a high-risk strategy.

JW: Well, the guy's got it coming to him, you know

CS: Well that's hardly fair, you didn't see him. He's in a bad way.

JW: If you take the law into your own hands, you take the risks. OK.


Scene 2 (1.05 - 2.06)

Charlie shows Jack and Martha a video of Scott Freeman confronting a man he set up and has found out he arranged (online) to meet another man at the tow path that morning, but the ip address is only traceable to an internet cafe.


Scene 3 ( 2.07 - 02.43 )

Charlie reports to Martha and Jack at the crime board, Scott is in a critical condition. He has a wife and two daughters, Jack knows one of the daughters who has been in on drug charges and assault before. Martha asks Jack to break the news to the family.


Scene 4 ( 02.44 - 03.33 )

Jack arrives at the Freeman house with a uniformed officer. Kelly answers to door and tells him Iris (her mother) died 2 weeks ago.

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Once inside Jack informs her about Scott, who, Kelly tells him, disappeared for 9 years and only returned when her Mum died.

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Scene 5 ( 03.34 - 04.46 )

Jack talks to Kelly at the hospital where she is visiting her father. He tells her Scott was attacked between 9 - 10 am but someone used his cash card at 9.45, so they are wondering if it could be Rose. Kelly tells him that Rose and Scott had argued and she had followed him when he left the house but that she could never attack him. Jack asks what drugs Rose is taking these days, Kelly responds that she is using meth.


Scene 6 ( 04.47 - 05.16 )

In Martha's office, Charlie reports to Martha and Jack that Scott's phone shows calls to the Shaffer Dance Studio. Martha's daughter Daisy goes there, she looks concerned but sends Jack and Charlie to investigate.


Scene 7 ( 05.17 - 06.48 )

On the way to the dance studio, Jack tells Charlie he did Irish dancing for three years, with a little skip up the step. Once inside they meet Tamsin and Edward Shaffer who run the dance studio. Edward tells them that Scott rang him that morning to ask him to go with him to film the confrontation with the paedophile, he didn't go because Tamsin would not let him, but he has gone once before. Charlie questions why he got involved at all and the right thing to do would be to come to the police.

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Scene 8 ( 06.49 -07.38)

In the staffroom Jack is drinking a cuppa, when Martha walks in and asks how it went at Daisy's dance school. Jack tells her that Edward Shaffer was a "reluctant cameraman" in the past but not involved this morning. Charlie comes to tell them she has CCTV footage of Rose Freeman using Scott's cash card at 9.45 this morning. The footage shows her as extremely jittery and reveals her location.

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Scene 9 ( 07.39 - 08.29 )

Jack and Charlie go to pick up Rose, where she struggles and screams. Charlie arrests her on suspicion of GBH.

[shot of car returning to HQ]


Scene 10 ( 08.30 - 09.05 )

In the main office Jack tells Charlie and Martha he has been looking through Rose's mobile phone, where he found a text from Scott saying "I found the bastard". On the way to the station, Rose had told Charlie and Jack that she had been raped and that it was the rapist who attacked her Dad, not her.


Scene 11 ( 09.06 - 09.41 )

Jack talks to Kelly in the hospital, and asks her about Rose's rape claim. Kelly tells him Rose has said it happened 8 or 9 years ago, when they went away somewhere.

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Scene 12 ( 09.42 - 10.02 )

In the main office Jack reports back to Martha and Charlie that the rape happened 9 years ago at a dance competition in Brighton, when Rose was just a child and both girls were under the care of Edward and Tamsin Shaffer.


Scene 13 ( 10.03 - 12.20 )

Martha interviews Rose (solicitor present), who tells her that her Dad was trying to find the man who raped her but she doesn't know who it is as she cannot remember, but in a very distressed state, recounts the incident, where there were two men, one who injected her so she was unconscious. All she can remember is the man said "sweet dreams."


Scene 14 ( 12.21 - 12.46 )

Martha visits Tamsin in the dance studio, and asks her about Rose who has told Martha that she spoke to Tamsin about the rape incident at the time.


Scene 15 ( 12.47 - 13.19 )

Jack talks to Edward at the dance studio, telling him about Rose being raped all those years ago. Edward claims the first he heard about it was when Scott told him about "this vigilante thing" but he told him they should go straight to the police. He asks after Scott.

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Scene 16 ( 13.20 - 14.16 )

Martha asks Tamsin what she remembers about the incident. She said Rose was really distressed the next day and said she'd been touched, but that when she rang home to speak to her Mother, she told her Rose had been doing something about "stranger danger" at school so she put it down to that, and Kelly was in the room all night with Rose and said nothing had happened.


Scene 17 ( 14.17 - 15.15 )

Charlie talks to Kelly at the hospital, who tells her she snuck out the room that night to be with a guy from another dance team. Rose still does not know that she did.


Scene 18 ( 15.16 - 15.38 )

Jack and Martha still are at the dance school, Martha comments to Tamsin that she is surprised she didn't tell Jack and Charlie before about all this, she replies she didn't want to damage the rep of the school. Martha tells her that her daughter Daisy was absent from her dance class because she has a cold.

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Scene 19 ( 15.39 - 15.54 )

Once outside Martha asks Jack how it went with Edward, and Jack asks after Daisy.

JW: He's not the sort of person that I'd warm to, naturally.

MB: What do you mean?

JW: He's just a gob shite, isn't he? How's Daisy? I didn't know she was sick.

MB: No, is she hell..Any sign of a kiddy fiddler, do you know what I mean? Not on my doorstep, thank you very much.



Scene 20 ( 15.55 - 16.29 )

In the main office Jack is at his computer, ("Who's broken the printer?") when Charlie walks in and tells him she has been checking the texts between Scott (posing as Cindy) and the man who he was arranging to meet, who signed off with "sweet dreams" which is what Rose reported her rapist said to her. The number belongs to a Dr Philip Cleaving.



Scene 21 ( 16.30 - 17.15 )

Charlie shows Martha and Jack a photo from CCTV footage showing Dr Philip Cleaving texting on his phone at the same time as the internet chat Scott had, with the IP address traced to the internet cafe.

CS: I don't think it's looking good for him at all. He is messaging someone he believes to be a 14 year-old girl called Cindy, then arranges to meet her on a deserted towpath by a canal. So, in my mind, that sequence of events leads to Dr Cleaving turning up, meeting not Cindy, but a very angry Scott Freeman who calls him out as a paedophile and a rapist.


Scene 22 ( 17.16 - 17.44 )

Jack arrives outside Dr Cleaving's surgery to see him leaving, as he calls out to him Dr C breaks into a run and when Jack catches him up he seems scared, "Don't hit me!" but Jack says he is not going to hit him and asks him to come to the station for questioning.

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Scene 23 ( 17.45 - 20.35 )

Jack interviews Philip Cleaving, who admits he has been going online the past few months but claims he has not been chatting to children, but people that are 'role playing'. So when he arranged to meet Cindy, he was not expecting to see a child. He claims he did not attack Scott Freeman.



Scene 24 ( 20.36 - 21.52 )

Jack returns to the dance studio and shows Edward and Tamsin a photo of Dr Cleaving, asking them if they know who he is. They admit to knowing him but Edward says he had not seen him for years and years and that he is not connected to the dance studio, or the dance comp 9 years ago.



JW: Hello? Me again. Not for the last time, I'm sure. Mr Shaffer, could you join us for two seconds? Listen, I'm having awful trouble, identifying this man. Do you know who that is?

ES: Yeah, it's Phil.

TS: Dr Phil Cleaving.

JW: So you know this man?

ES: Yeah, I was at university with him, like, 20-odd years ago.

JW: So you were good friends.

ES: Well, then we were. I've not seen him for years and years.

JW: Nine years?

ES: I don't know, about 15 years, I think. A reunion or something. I can't remember. Years ago.

JW: But not nine years ago?

ES: No, why would?

JW: Right.

TS: Is this connected to Rose?

JW: Yes.

TS: Phil was never there, was he?

ES: No.

TS: He's not connected to our studio or academy. I don't think he'd have any reason to be there.

ES: He has no interest. Why would be there?

JW: There are no right or wrong answers. It's not an exam.

TS: Sorry, you just caught us in the middle of something. We just...

JW: I'm in the middle of something too. Listen, I'm going to need a list of people who attended that dance competition.

TS: We haven't got a problem with that. It'll be on an old computer.

ES: What's he supposed to have done, anyway?

JW: He's helping us with our enquiries. Thanks very much.


Scene 25 ( 21.53 - 22.25 )

Charlie shows Rose a picture of Dr Cleaving and she confirms "this was the man who attacked you".


Scene 26 ( 22.26 - 22.53 )

Jack and Charlie discuss the case in the office. Jack points out that if Dr Cleaving raped Rose then the Shaffers gave him access, "end of story". Martha comes to inform them that Scott has passed away and asks Charlie to break the news to Rose. Jack informs the office team "We have a murder enquiry now."


Scene 27 ( 22.54 - 24.29 )

Charlie is with Kelly and Rose at the hospital when Jack arrives. He sympathises at first then asks Kelly "what's the story with the Shaffers?" Charlie tries to interrupt him, but when he continues to question them, calls him out of the room "are you out of your fucking mind?" before apologising to the girls and driving them home.


Scene 28 ( 24.30 - 26.12 )

At their house, a very emotional Rose shows Charlie an earring, the pair were a good luck gift from her mum for the competition, but one of them had gone the next morning after her attack.


Scene 29 ( 26.13 - 26.56 )

Martha informs Jack that UV photos of Scott's injury show the murder weapon was a chain with a padlock attached. Charlie returns and fills them in on the earring, and suggest that maybe the attacker took the other one as a trophy. Meanwhile Jack receives a call about a disturbance at the dance academy.


Scene 30 ( 26.57 - 27.31 )

Jack and Charlie arrive at the dance studio, where 'paedo' has been sprayed on the side of the Shaffers' van and Kelly is being restrained by a police officer while shouting at Tamsin. When Edward spots Jack and Charlie, he pushes Jack and begins shouting at them about the graffiti on his van, telling him he is making a formal complaint against him. Jack is angry.



ES: I'm going inside and I'm filing a complaint against you, yeah..

JW: Please do.

ES: ..an official complaint.

CS: Hold your temper Mr Shaffer

JW: Weston, W-E-S-T-O-N yeah? Fucker.

CS: Jeee-zus!

JW: Nice to see what he's capable of. Did you see him fucking grab me?

CS: Yeah


Scene 31 ( 27.32 - 28.23 )

Back in the office, Martha tells Jack and Charlie she has tracked down the boyfriend, Alistair Green, who Kelly says she went out with the night of Rose's attack. He confirmed they returned at 3 o'clock in the morning and he saw 2 men talking to each other in the car park, one he has identified as Edward Shaffer, the other he didn't recognise but he was driving a bright red Porsche boxter, which Martha has discovered, Dr Cleaving was driving 9 years ago. Jack points out Edward had said Dr C was not there that night, they now know he was lying so now they can arrest him.


Scene 32 ( 28.24 - 28.51 )

Martha interviews Dr Cleaving who is vague about owning a bright red Porsche boxter 9 years ago.


Scene 33 ( 28.52 - 29.19 )

Jack arrests Edward Shaffer outside the dance studio for aiding and abetting a rape, being sure to loudly tell his wife Tamsin, who watches, what he is being arrested for.



Scene 34 ( 29.20 - 31.08 )

Jack interviews Edward Shaffer (solicitor present) who is vague about being in a car park in Brighton at 3 am in the morning the night of Rose's attack, and goes on the offensive about making a complaint against Jack and why Kelly was spray painting paedo on his van.



ES: You clearly told her that you thought I might have been a suspect. How else would she know? I mean, that's against the law, isn't it

JW: hmm no not really

ES: against the rules

JW: Listen shut up ok I'm the one asking the questions. Talk to me about Rose Freeman. Was she a good dancer?

ES: I don't think I want to say anything else to you really

JW: How old was she? Eight?

ES: [to solicitor] that's alright isn't it?

JW: Under your guardianship. Mm. Under your care.

ES: [to solicitor] Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?


Scene 35 ( 31.09 - 31.40 )

In the main office Charlie tells Martha and Jack that the search team found Rose's earring and other 'trophies' belonging to little girls in his trinket box, so he is a prolific sex offender.



Jack asks for them to be tested for Edward's DNA at the same time they are tested for Phil's. He returns to his desk looking pensive.



Scene 36 ( 31.41 - 34.21 )

Martha interviews Phil Cleaving, who remains silent as she presents him with the earring and trophies evidence, but then confesses it was all him and no one else was involved and he was also not involved with Scott's attack.

MB: There's not many things that turn my stomach Doctor, but there's a bloody awful smell in this room and it smells of you.


Scene 37 ( 34.22 - 34.44 )

Charlie reports to Martha and Jack that ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras) picked up the Shaffer van in the vicinity of the towpath at the time of the attack this morning.


Scene 38 ( 34.45 - 35.30 )

Martha and Jack interview Edward who says he has no idea why his van was in the vicinity of the towpath this morning, as he was doing accounts at the dance academy.



Scene 39 ( 35.31 - 37.01 )

Jack shows Edward the video of Scott confronting another man, Edward admits that was him who went with Scott on that occasion and took the video. Jack gives him a hypothetical scenario where Edward did go to the towpath to make another video for Scott, but panicked when he saw Phil Cleaving there, and Cleaving asked him for his help when Scott attacked him, so he picked up the chain and "beat his brains out".



Scene 40 ( 37.02 - 37.38 )

Still in the interview room, Edward says he is not going to say anything else with Jack present as they are in the process of making a complaint about him. Martha stiffly replies she is happy for her colleague to withdraw and Jack leaves.


Scene 41 ( 37.39 - 39.00 )

Martha comes off a phone call in her office and tells Jack that due to lack of hard evidence and the fact that Edward is about to make an official complaint, she has now got to bail him.


Jack is angry and leaves the room.

JW: Why do I even fucking bother doing this fucking bullshit job!

but returns when Charlie has some info for them that a chain with a padlock has been pulled up from the canal.

JW: The weapon

CS: Well, it's a chain with a padlock attached to it only, unfortunately, because it's been sat in the water for however many hours, so there's no DNA.

JW: Fucking fantastic.

CS: What there are, though, are some grey, cotton fibres trapped in the links of the chain, so -

JW: The Shaffers have got grey towels.

CS: I have grey towels.

MB: No, he's right, they do. They use grey towels so the kids can have them. Look, I tell you what, get down to the towpath, extend the search area, Take a dip while you're there. Be careful. Don't drown yourself.

JW: Thanks, boss.


Scene 42 ( 39.01 - 39.40 )

Charlie catches up with Jack on the stairwell.

CS: Edwards's complaint is -

JW: I don't give a fuck about the complaint!

A.) The guy has been covering up the rape of an eight-year-old.

B.) The guy killed Scott Freeman.

C.) He is linked with a known paedophile, Dr Philip Cleaving.

D.) We're about to release him so he can work with kids.

CS: You are not the only one who is pissed off about this. I've been in the Freeman house with all the tears and all the sobbing and all the heartbreak that comes with it.

JW: I'm not letting him get away with this. I'm going to search the crime scene. I'll find something to link it to Scott Freeman.

CS: Call me, Sarge, if you need me.


Scene 43 ( 39.41- 40.03 )

Jack and uniformed officers search the crime scene. Jack begins looking through some rubbish in bin liners.


Scene 44 ( 40.04 - 40.21 )

Martha and Charlie sign out Edward at the front desk, whose parting words are "you will of course be hearing from my solicitors." Charlie asks Martha if his complaint will have legs, Martha responds that she hopes not, but that Jack is his own worst enemy and she's "slightly sick of babysitting."Charlie replies, "you and me both."


Scene 45 ( 40.22 - 41.12 )

Back at the crime scene Jack finds a grey towel which he bags and after a brief moment of contemplation and hesitation, hides behind his back and tells the officers he is heading back to the station.




Scene 46 ( 41.13 - 42.10 )

Jack drives in his car and arrives at the Shaffers. He sits and hesitates, but then hides the bagged towel inside his coat before heading to the bins, opening his jacket, lifting the bin lid, but is interrupted by Edward Shaffer who appears and asks him to leave him alone. Jack claims he is there to apologise.



Scene 47 ( 42.11 - 42.48 )

Meanwhile back at HQ, Charlie reports to Martha that the search team at the dance studio found Edwards digital camera, the SD card shows Edward was at the crime scene and that he attacked Scott. Martha sends Charlie to go and arrest Edward.


Scene 48 ( 42.49 - 43.11 )

Charlie drives to the Shaffers' house, on the way she receives a radio call of a fatality at the Shaffer's address.


Scene 49 ( 43.12 - end )

When Charlie arrives, she finds Jack over Edwards dead body, blood on his hands.



CS: Jack? What the fuck happened? What the fuck are you doing here? Control from DC Steele, how we doing with the ambulance?

JW: He's dead.

CS: Control from DC Steele, how we doing with the ambulance?

JW: He's fucking dead.

CS: What happened? Jack?









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RE: SUSPECTS SERIES 2 EPISODE 3 | 27 August 2014

Whee! I'm really waiting for these, must be the ones I saw filmed! coolbounce



I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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can't wait to hear more about that when the episodes air Jozie


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Professional Thud-er
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halyes  Would love to hear more about it when you can share Jozie!!!


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Me too!aww


I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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The Episode 3 preview clip is up on the Channel 5 website









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ooooh.... according to the episode synopsis, it looks like another emotional case for Jack !!

"Jack becomes emotionally involved during this week’s investigation...."


*** 4 DAYS!! ***




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*** 2 DAYS!!! ***



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So it would seem this weeks episodes are going to be biggies for Jack......again!  It certainly looks like they're giving Damien a lot to do in this series.  Can't wait!


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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jackisback TONIGHT people!


agree fifi, the major plot thread besides the case in the whole series seem to be Jack-centric! and based on his emotions.... thrilling for us fans.

We all love a good juicy character nugget! biggrin: But... I do hope Suspects maintains it's unique quality of not going too deeply into the characters, that is one of the qualities that makes it stand out from the rest AND actually makes it more compelling.. as we become the detectives not only of the whodunnit  but of the characters themselves. so far it has the balance right of engagement / intrigue!



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Can't wait for Suspects tonight! Still haven't watched episodes 1 & 2 yet so this is my first chance to see series 2. It sounds intense!

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You are going to loooooooooooove it!



I want to give Hal some Kia-Ora

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counting down the minutes! it is going to be epic!




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So what did you all think of tonight's episode?

the POLL is now open!

(fair warning: as the episode has now aired, this topic will contain spoilers!)


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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Wow that was intense. What a cliffhanger!

Professional Thud-er
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Damn they could't have made that any better!  It was incredible!


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Bloody hell!!  That was awesome......


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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A few JackCaps from tonight's episode











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Suspects has gone up a level, again.. stunning episode.. and even more intense! deeply difficult subject matter, so hard to watch, but so well handled.

and Jack... oh Jack! he was skating on very thin ice and I fear he may have gone too far this time, Jack.. what have you done!


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some standout bits of dialogue


JW: Did you know I did three years of Irish dancing?

JW: he's not the sort of person i'd warm to naturally
MB: What do you mean?
JW: he's just a gobshite isn't he

JW: Who's broken the printer?

JW: Just questions, no right or wrong answers, it's not an exam

JW: I'm in the middle of something too

JW: [about formal complaint being made against him] Please do, Weston, W.E.S.T.O.N yeh?

JW: listen shut up ok, I'm the one asking questions


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So we now know that this behind the scenes pic of Damien, posted by Clare during filming over the summer, was taken in the Shaffer dance studio! 


too much Irish dancing....




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Incredibly intense subject matter.  I cried every time Rose and her sister were on screen.  And when Jack had to pause, when he was telling her sister about Rose's rape - I choked up at the look on his face.  In S1 E3 he seemed laise faire, almost callous, when he suggested they ask Diane Ackerman outright if she'd been raped.  This time he could hardly face the poor girl's sister just saying the word.  Very telling.  And that cliffhanger!!!!!!  How he walked over to the other officer but casually held the evidence behind him, how he deliberately hid the towel in his jacket, and that dark, seeting look reflected in the mirror when he was driving over to the man's house!  (for the life of me I can't remember the pedophile suspect's name) I am so glad I was able to get a viewing in today amidst my crazy day.  And lucky us we only have to wait till tomorrow to see what happens cuz otherwise I'd be exploding with imatience.

Domino, i'm a massive fan of all these screencaps and the dialog bits.  Absolutely fabulously quotable episode!  I roared at the Irish dancing -  reminiscent of dancer's back! - and loved how he didn't take the guy's bullshit.  particularly love when he said I'm in the middle of something too and told him to shut up.  I missed him spelling out his name -rewatch excuse! And when he told the guy to not fucking touch him.  I thought he would hit the guy!

As for the thud picture... same place different clothes.  Filming of tomorrow's conclusion?

Oh and I SWEAR I saw Jozie in the background of that scene outside where he confronted the guy at the end.  


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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oh and I must take a shallow moment (I so miss Kat, she probably would have beat me to it) - anyone else notice the freaking biceps on Damien in that shirt?  Someone's been working out!!! I could barely concentrate on dialog the first few minutes, I was too distracted with the way the shirt hugged the contours of his biceps... blueshirtalert thud thud thud 


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
A terrible beauty is born.
Love me some #Jacksass

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Wow! That really is all I can say about this superb episode. Great acting from all concerned, especially from our Damien. This really deserves all the awards it can get!


A terrible beauty!

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