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Topic: The future fan fiction

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Team DaMo
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Posts: 95
The future fan fiction

Hey guys check out my new fan fiction on Ao3 its called the future it mostly from hals perspective 

And if you have anygoodd ideas for a follow please leave a comment


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Can you give us a link SNM?


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Team DaMo
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Posts: 95

http://archiveofourown.org/works/4055881 (1821 words) by Halyorke1514

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Being Human (UK) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Nick Cutler/Hal Yorke, Alex Millar/Hal Yorke, Tom McNair/Hal Yorke, Annie Sawyer/Hal Yorke, Eve Sands/Hal Yorke, Mr Snow (Being Human UK)/Hal Yorke, HAL - Relationship Characters: Hal Yorke, Alex Millar, Nick Cutler, Adam Jacobs, Eve Sands, Mr Snow (Being Human UK), Tom McNair Additional Tags: Hal has issues, HAL - Freeform Summary: This is only a small story but it was fun to write Comments are greatly appreciated.


No problem 


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Posts: 5408
Your post has been fixed SNM, the links were all in html but pasted into the regular editor, so not displaying correctly.
Always great to see Hal being celebrated in fan fic, and the formidable Mr Snow! Thanks for sharing.



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