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Topic: SUSPECTS | SERIES 5 | News & Discussion

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RE: SUSPECTS | SERIES 5 | News & Discussion


Here's an in depth interview Suspects Series 5 with Lenora Crichlow, great reading!

i talk to Lenora Crichlow | italktelly

How does it feel joining such an established programme in series 5?

A little bit terrifying. Most of the work I’ve done, I’ve been at the beginning which is terrifying in a different way. Both are equally exciting, but for different reasons.

It was wonderful, I had worked with Damien before, so that was nice, I felt like I had a friend on the inside. The whole approach to the show was so different, it’s a different genre and field that I wasn’t necessarily used to, so the whole experience felt really news.



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Team DaMo
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Aww the part she talks about Damien is quite sweet. It's nice to know after a show like BeingHuman they stay in touch and so on. And that she said she learnt from Damien! Very nice read awwaww




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The information in the Lenora interview about how they prepare for the scenes and handle the improv is interesting.  I felt like the 8 minute clip from the first episode of the upcoming season was really smooth and dramatic. I wondered if some of the dialogue had been scripted. The answer is no.  They are just that good at the improv.  That's impressive, especially for the newer cast members.  Bravo.

I guess, like she said, the newer members have the advice of the original cast members to learn from. I continue to be amazed by these actors working from no scripted dialogue.   


"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I love how much the actors love the challenge of improvising. For creative people it must be quite stifling having to act someone else's words all the time. The creativity probably gives them such a buzz! It certainly shows in the intense energy of Suspects which is why we love it!

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Awesome interview with Lenora. I echo everything Rosie and Jane said. Lovely that Damien in a sense mentored her this time around, with Damien coming into BH and the almost motherly relationship between Annie and Hal (well, with just about everyone) I always felt she must have mentored him a bit at the beginning.  Very neat to learn about the filming, still unscripted - damn they are REALLY good - and that they don't even meet the "suspects" ahead of time nor even know if they will cooperate!  I would have thought they'd at least know how long they had to keep at it.  Really adds to that authenticity.  So excited to see her in action on Wednesday!


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James Murray was on TV again this morning, this time on ITV's Lorraine show.

A couple of clips were also shown, one new!

If you missed it you can watch here, the interview is at the 03.07 mark. (it's uk only I'm afraid).


TV Choice also has a James Murray interview today. It's quite revealing about his character so spoiler alert!

‘I felt like I’d been 10 rounds with Tyson,’ says Suspects star James Murray | TV Choice

This mention of Damien stands out:

How was it coming into that process? Obviously the rest of the Suspects cast are more used to it than you…
“Stupidly, I met Damien Molony a few days before and I said to Damien him, ‘Don’t treat me with kid gloves.’

And he went, ‘Oh OK really?’

And I went, ‘Yeah, let’s go for it. I think that’s going to be the best way. Throw me in at the deep end.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah. Let’s do it.’

And whole cast are very good at what they do in this show. I got into the boxing ring with them on day one and they beat me up pretty badly. Between scenes all I wanted to say was, ‘Whoa whoa’, but of course it was my own fault. I’d had this thrust upon me by myself. But it worked.

“Looking back on it the whole dynamic of that first scene – I think it was when Drummond comes in and takes over the investigation and they’re all very fraught having just discovered Martha’s dead body. He has to come in and take charge and I think it worked. It sort of kept the energy up and I had to work to get their love if you like, to get their respect, and it took a couple of days.”

Read more here




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Really interesting interviews, good to find out how the cast are presented with the script (or lack thereof).
Less than twenty-four hours now, if I keep busy tomorrow that should give me the illusion of time passing more quickly.

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Another Lenora interview, with Morgan Jeffery at Digital Spy! Lots more about Damien in this one.

Lenora Crichlow joins Ch5's Suspects: Reuniting with Being Human co-star Damien Molony was part of the appeal


Her role as DS Alisha Brooks reunites Crichlow with her old Being Human cast-mate - andSuspects veteran - Damien Molony.

"To have someone familiar on-set was really a big part of the appeal," the actress told Digital Spy. "I was able to talk to Damien before I even went into the audition, about his experience and what to expect.

"He's a fantastic person, on and off-camera, and was just really reassuring. So it was great to have a friend who could be a bit of a crash-mat for me!"

Fans used to seeing Crichlow and Molony pal around on Being Human could be in for a shock, though - with their Suspects characters frequently in fierce opposition.

"They're almost like opposite sides of the same coin," she said of Alisha and Molony's DS Jack Weston.

"She relies heavily on the rules to keep everybody safe and accountable - and when she's conflicted, she turns back to the rule book. Which is a very different approach to Jack, so it does create a bit of tension.

"They hit a point where it's going to be make-or-break for their relationship, and that was my favourite scene to shoot of the whole series."



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Is there any news at all on another series of Suspects?  I'm missing it!  



"I should have left a clue. Like, I don't know, locking him in a cellar and tying him to a fucking radiator!"

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Not even a whisper Jane, but that looks like the perfect sentence to tweet to Channel 5 / Channel 5 press and ask!

With at least one series a year historically, and the year moving along apace, we have to hear something soon... especially after that cruel cliffhanger with the announcer's voice over at the end of series 5:"will Jack be back?" #WeWantJackBack #BringJackBack



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I'm missing it too!!

I know Suspects has a pretty quick turnaround from the start of filming to it's transmission date, but I'm feeling less and less optimistic for another series this year.... cry


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I am only just at series 3, but it gets better and better.  

So I also hope that a sixth season will be shot..

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fifi wrote:

I'm missing it too!!

I know Suspects has a pretty quick turnaround from the start of filming to it's transmission date, but I'm feeling less and less optimistic for another series this year.... cry

 Nooooo! Since its launch there has been at least 1 series a year. It would make no sense not to have the same this year especially as the show reached its peak of popularity in the last series! :prays: Clare Hope has been busy In the States though, let's hope she's got time to squeeze in a mega quick Suspects shoot! 


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Professional Thud-er
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I haven't been too hopeful either. hmm But I do know Clare Hope wrapped one of her projects over here (it seemed like she'd been in more than one) just this last week. *crossing fingers*


papillon... pamplemousse... bibliothèque... un baiser
A lilt in his voice.  Every sentence like music...
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