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Topic: THE CURRENT WAR | Film Score

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Here is a preview of 'The Current War' film score!

Info via EW:

for composers Volker Bertelmann (“Hauschka”) and Dustin O’Halloran — the duo behind the Oscar-nominated score for 2016’s Lion — scoring The Current War meant finding a sound that would match the film’s scope. “Even though it’s a period film, we wanted it to sound modern and vital and something no one has heard before,” the pair tells EW. “It’s a very experimental score to bring this sense of what Edison, Tesla, and Westinghouse were experiencing in their moment.”

Experimental, as in imbuing unconventional instruments into their strings-heavy theme. “Current War is a film about invention and electricity, and we wanted to bring this sense of discovery to the music,” they explain. “We researched a sound that was both electric and organic at the same time, using the sounds of modular synthesizers, prepared piano, manipulated orchestra and even the buzz of broken cables.”



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Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Posts: 3310
What an intriguing sound! Sometimes modern sounds in a period film don't sound right but the composers idea of using experimental sounds to reflect the experimental nature of the men involved is really interesting.

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Posts: 5408
RPLovesIpswich wrote:

What an intriguing sound! Sometimes modern sounds in a period film don't sound right but the composers idea of using experimental sounds to reflect the experimental nature of the men involved is really interesting.

 Well said Rosie. Hopefully it will also reflect and compliment the stylish nature of the film. The director is a visualist and we know the camerawork is not going to be traditional, so I'm also looking forward to an innovative soundtrack



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