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Topic: Damien Molony in 'When The Hurlyburly's Done' Full Movie

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RE: Damien Molony in 'When The Hurlyburly's Done' Full Movie

The only film that comes to mind that uses non linear in that way is 21 Grams with Sean Penn. The first hour is brilliant, the technique keeping what's going on a mystery. But half way through, it becomes obvious, and then it's just tedious waiting to see what I'd already worked out happen. It's probably the fault of both technique and story. The technique promises so much, until it can no longer cover up just how simple the story is. From one extreme to the other makes the fall all the harder. By being only fifteen minutes, Hurly Burly easily avoids this problem. To be fair to 21 Grams, it kept it up for a good hour!

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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Anything David Lynch comes to mind for me UJ - Mullholand Drive (a brilliant film) specifically!

even if it was linear, Damien's performance even in a short film piece like this, is superb enough to elevate it to a high level of the genre methinks! Fingers crossed we see a lot, lot more of him in film in the future! action


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I used to love David Lynch - I tend to prefer his dark underbelly but coherent stories to the can-you-guess-what-it's-about-yet exercises. But it's been a long time since I've seen anything of his so I'll keep an eye out.

And of course it goes without saying that Damien was utterly mesmerising!

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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Fiona Hampton, Damien's co-star in Hurlyburly, agrees a feature film would be a good idea!



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That was interesting.  But a bit dissatisfactory.  confuse Will need to watch again.  Then I'll probably come up with all sorts of questions.


ok, excuse my American ignorance....what is Hurlyburly.   I looked it up online and it says it means confusion, tumult, uproar but does it have any other significance or reference anything else?  just wondering if you use it in normal speak in your neck of the woods cuz I heard it in BH as well.  It is a fun sounding word, I think I'm going to use it and confuse people! biggrin


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Yep, that is it's only meaning as far as I'm aware, whimsyfox. I thought it was Shakespeare and google reminded me it's MacBeth - When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won ...

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realise you're wrong."
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Bringing up an old topic! and also because i love watching it ;) i can't still be the only one with a love for Damiens acting in this can i?


Anyway, must dash. Friend about to kill lots of people.

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I've made it to the short films at last, as directed.  *proffers apple to teacher!* biggrin

I actually love short films.  Not that I have seen very many, but I think the very best short films can say something more profound or interesting in 5 - 20 minutes than many a feature film does!  I dunno - I think maybe they can just concentrate on a feeling and not much else matters except that they work in that respect.  Not sure how to explain.  Sometimes, the most interesting (and potentially profound!) thing I think is a simple idea, mood or concept... something that just makes you think: that retains mystery or expresses something simple but deep or asks questions rather than having to explain everything.  A short film can convey this kind of thing very well I have found from the few great ones I have seen.  (Whereas for example a single idea, no matter how interesting is seldom enough to carry a whole feature-film.  And once you've sat through a full-length film it is generally pretty unfulfilling if it doesn't provide enough actual answers.)

I was a bit confused about when this one is supposed to be set I must say... Jacob looked Victorian or certainly not nowadays to me... yet everyone else seemed more modern... but maybe it is supposed to be confusing in this way??  I know, having just watched once, I was wondering...

...*Spoilers*... and apologies for potential ignorance...

When it flashbacks to the shooting situation, I didn't completely understand what was going on.  Did Jacob shoot the man and shoot Gwynn unintentionally with the bullet passing through that guy and into her?  Did he shoot her intentionally with the second shot he fired?  Or was the flashback just Jacob's wish if he could re-live the situation?  Did he actually just simply shoot her to save himself and in retrospect he thought about how he could have pulled the man over and tried to shoot him instead and thus they may both have escaped?

So, literally the film made me think, although overall I guess it is more simple: about unequal love: Gwynn is willing to leave her husband and die for Jacob, but he will kill her to live (and you could imagine further into the love between Gwynn and her husband too for example.  And on this theme you can imagine the film as simply a metaphor - the man comes into the life of the woman, pulls her into something which maybe is mere "hurlyburly" - a momentary passion for him, but for her it... maybe not by such literal means as death, but it destroys her life.  You can imagine for example in a literal tale, she may fall in love with the man, destroy her marriage, her life... and maybe he moves on.

I know the rest of the posts were years ago, but I assume the title is a poetic way of saying when the initial wild-consuming-passion of the affair is over... and real things happen.. then the film answers, what will you be for each other.

Well it clearly made me think.  I found the film itself very interesting and Damien has lots of presence.

Also, at the risk of taking every topic I post in off-topic, if you like short films, watching this made me remember a re-find a true sob-inducing gem (at least I think so!)  It is nothing to do with Damien, but if you're interested: https://vimeo.com/18441243 action

-- Edited by littleimpulse on Thursday 4th of June 2015 02:30:48 PM

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I can't believe I still haven't seen this, littleimpulse! Thanks for reminding me that it is here. I'm going to add it to my list of Damien-based rewards as incentives for working on my Masters dissertation!

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Rosie - I can't believe that you still haven't seen this either!  You need to watch it now...so get working!!!

littleimpulse - there is so much about this which is confusing - which is one of the things I love about it!  It really does make you think. I've watched this more times than I can count.....but I don't think the 'flashback' is a flashback at all.  He goes back into the house with the shotgun to find the table where she had been lying empty - rather than it flashing back to another location and to the time she got shot....so I think it's just him imagining what might happen if/when her husband catches up with them.  Imagining himself as the hero of the hour......before he decides to run away.  So I don't think he killed her - he just left her to die to save himself.  We have no idea the exact circumstances which lead us to this situation, or who actually shot her.  But at the same time he kind of made her into the hero who was willing to sacrifice herself for him.....

"Sometimes, the most interesting (and potentially profound!) thing I think is a simple idea, mood or concept... something that just makes you think: that retains mystery or expresses something simple but deep or asks questions rather than having to explain everything.  A short film can convey this kind of thing very well"



".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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fifi wrote:

Rosie - I can't believe that you still haven't seen this either!  You need to watch it now...so get working!!!

littleimpulse - there is so much about this which is confusing - which is one of the things I love about it!  It really does make you think. I've watched this more times than I can count.....but I don't think the 'flashback' is a flashback at all.  He goes back into the house with the shotgun to find the table where she had been lying empty - rather than it flashing back to another location and to the time she got shot....so I think it's just him imagining what might happen if/when her husband catches up with them.  Imagining himself as the hero of the hour......before he decides to run away.  So I don't think he killed her - he just left her to die to save himself.  We have no idea the exact circumstances which lead us to this situation, or who actually shot her.  But at the same time he kind of made her into the hero who was willing to sacrifice herself for him.....

"Sometimes, the most interesting (and potentially profound!) thing I think is a simple idea, mood or concept... something that just makes you think: that retains mystery or expresses something simple but deep or asks questions rather than having to explain everything.  A short film can convey this kind of thing very well"


Yes RP, you definitely must watch it!

And fifi, this makes a lot of sense as now I think about it, although she didn't seem at all at deaths door like in reality, had she still already been shot in terms of how her dress was in the scene in question?  I thought at first maybe she had... Oh no, I'll just have to watch it again sometime.  What a chore!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Yeah, although it being an imagining of a future scenario does make sense, at the same time, Gwynn is definitely the hero in the situation!  But maybe he was using the imagining as an excuse to support his leaving her now, as in if *I stay I'll be even more of a let down to her*...?!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Having good rewards lined up is proving to be a good motivating force! No watching until the work is done!

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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

Having good rewards lined up is proving to be a good motivating force! No watching until the work is done!

Good luck!  What's your dissertation on?  All the best in any case.  And yes, this is a lovely incentive for doing-work!  I might take your lead and employ such tactics myself!!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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I'm doing a masters in Journalism, littleimpulse. I also work full time so I need to motivate myself to study rather than collapse in a heap on the sofa when I get home! My dissertation is about 19 th century newspaper crime reporting! Thanks for the good luck :)

Molony motivation is always a good thing!

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RPLovesIpswich wrote:

I'm doing a masters in Journalism, littleimpulse. I also work full time so I need to motivate myself to study rather than collapse in a heap on the sofa when I get home! My dissertation is about 19 th century newspaper crime reporting! Thanks for the good luck :)

Molony motivation is always a good thing!

I am incredibly impressed that you are able to work full time and motivate yourself to study outside of this as well!!  Your dissertation sounds really interesting!  I went into the Wellcome Collection when I was in London to see The Hard Problem and there was a very sinister exhibition all about forensics and crime (Argh!  Some of the things they had!!  Wibble!!! Though interesting too!)  Anyway, there was a newspaper from the time of Jack the Ripper and I couldn't believe how it was all drawings!  No photos, just drawings.  I guess it is pretty obvious (and certainly to you!!), but it shows you how little I know that it fascinated me that people would draw the news!!  And, well, it isn't that long ago really in the greater scheme of things.  Anyway... I am always digressing.  Bad me.  Tsk, tsk!

Marvellous Molonian Moderator
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Thanks for the support littleimpulse :) That exhibition sounds really interesting!

It always makes me laugh in Ripper Street where Fred Best always has a photographer with him but in the paper is a really bad drawing that doesn't look anything like the person!

I need to write at least a chapter before I can watch this film!

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Years after my first viewing and this film still haunts me. I have to keep coming back. His face. Every expression on his face is a treasure. His soul is written on his face.


He'd have told me to join him, and I would. - still true!

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Sad news Molonians...

Damien's short film (also starring Fiona Hampton and George Taylor, directed by Hannah Maria Heidrich and Alex Eslam) is no longer available to watch on YouTube.

We can only hope this gem is made available again through another means, perhaps as part of a short film compilation. I am sure I am not alone in being willing to part with pennies for this one!

Meanwhile, watch the trailer here



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This is really sad news cry  Thought I'd copy and paste my reaction from the IMDB thread....

What?!!  That is a shame!  Although I have watched it ....a number of times.  I remember when, apart from s4 of BH, Hurly Burly and Making Rosebud were the only things available to see Damien in.  At least there's a lot more of him around these days!  It's a real shame you never watched it though, rosie!!

I wonder why it's been taken down?  It was a real treasure.....still a treat to watch, even though there is much more Damo around these days.  And the fact that is was one of his first recordings.....

I would most definitely part with pennies for a copy of this! (and Making Rosebud)


".....he'll be with you while you dream"

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fifi wrote:

This is really sad news cry  Thought I'd copy and paste my reaction from the IMDB thread....

What?!!  That is a shame!  Although I have watched it ....a number of times.  I remember when, apart from s4 of BH, Hurly Burly and Making Rosebud were the only things available to see Damien in.  At least there's a lot more of him around these days!  It's a real shame you never watched it though, rosie!!

I wonder why it's been taken down?  It was a real treasure.....still a treat to watch, even though there is much more Damo around these days.  And the fact that is was one of his first recordings.....

I would most definitely part with pennies for a copy of this! (and Making Rosebud)

 You echo my sentiments exactly, fifi!

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Sad that it's gone!
I can't believe no one (including myself) saved it off of youtube!
I would have, but I didn't think I needed to... assumed it would be there when I wanted to watch it again :(

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Wait! Potentially good news! (If it works for every one)

I found the full video on IMDB! Here's the link:


Hope that works for everyone! Hurry up and watch it before it disappears! LOL

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Wow, well found LauraLizzie! How did you find that? I looked and looked on the Hurlyburly IMDb page!
I will embed it to the top post of this thread.



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Oh my.. I am kicking myself.. the IMDb link has been up on the fansite page all the time Only noticed when I went to add it just now ...Sorry everyone! hide



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Team DaMo
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Yeah, I did some extensive Google searching and I finally came across that link to the full film... which is weird because it's not showing up on IMDB at all... don't understand why that would happen.

But anyways, your link on DMF is still just taking me to the trailer, so you might want to update the link to the one that I shared so that everyone can watch the whole thing. At least while it's still up *crosses fingers*

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